Kairos – Paradigm Shift

Hello Y’all

   I have been writing a Newsletter, titled “Kairos” for the better part of 17 years, publishing predominantly hard-copies, though for a season online.

   The word “Kairos” is Greek.  At the end of each of my newsletters I have always set this definition at the end, which quotes, in italics here below, Greek native & Bible scholar, Dr. Spiros Zodhiates,  – “The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible (NASB) defines this word: “season, time, but not merely as a succession of moments, which is “chronos” [from which we derive the English word “chronology] * “Kairos, however, implies not the convenience of the season, but the necessity of the task at hand, whether the time provides a good convenient opportunity or not.” ‘Kairos’ Biblically carries the denotation of “strategic” as to the task and/or season to which it relates.  Paul used it in the plural in a key passage in Ephesians 1:9-10

“He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him with a view to an adminstration of the times [kairos-es / strategic timings or seasons], that is, the summing up of all things in Christ …”         

There is, in this present season, an overt work by Almighty God through His Holy Spirit in speeding up, weaving together, and administering the Kairos-es in the earth in the church in revealing and so establishing what means, in increasing revelation, the finished work of the cross of Christ so as to bring about “the summing up of all things in Christ.”

In the last almost four years I have gone through a massive paradigm shift – earthquake status, in tune to the size (from my perspective) as that which took place off of Japan’s east coast several years ago – as to my faith in my LORD Jesus … and it has radically (I’m not sure this adverb is strong enough) utterly changed the way I see God, who has come to be to me my Abba Father … all because of really seeing what means, in raw truth, what Jesus Christ wholly accomplished for you & I in His death on the cross, and in His resurrection and ascension to the highest throne in the Universe. While it is so that many of us have heard the message of the cross of Jesus, I think few of us would actually recognize Jesus post cross … in resurrection glory.  What we have said we believe w/ our heads we have not really seen and stepped into as a grace-truth reality for this life in this life.  Theology that remains theology without the veil being lifted into the reality of accessible entrance & ongoing living inside what the Bible calls “The Holy of Holies” without condemnation, without the feeling of guilt for not “meeting the standard of “Holiness” (as we have heard and have consequently thought it to be), accordingly is nothing more than the “religion” of Christianity, instead of the reality of the intense love – for each single individual – of Almighty Holy God who tore, personally, the veil between Himself and sinful man the very moment His Son breathed His last breath on the cross.  True “Grace” has not one iota, not one ounce, not one single kilogram – weight or volume – of bondage to a religious list of “do’s” and “don’t’s” in order for real relationship between Holy God and you & I.  The accomplishment of all that was gained for you and I with the price of the sacrifice of Jesus upon Golgatha’s hill two-thousand years ago has barely begun to be realized by the peoples of the earth.

I was asked by several precious people to start a public blog in order to post the recent Kairos newsletters I’ve been working on & sending via email only.  Almighty God has been unveiling Jesus and what means, as a grace-truth reality for each of us in this life, the finished work of the cross.  He has already, through a number of other precious believers, especially on the other side of this planet, been doing this; but it has been exponentially spreading, like the little measure of unseen yeast in a huge batter of dough.  For me, there has been in recent months an unveiling of Jesus from out of the Old Testament as I have never seen Him before, ever.  Since December (2013), the book of Joshua, the early chapters, are exploding with life before my eyes.  (I have hardly had any desire or heart to read anything in the last some years from out of the Old Testament, other than a few scant places).   This blog will be my posting of the Kairos newsletters per what I believe the LORD Jesus is unveiling and saying in this hour.  Your heart will be set ablaze, Dear One.  May the veil be utterly torn apart from the eyes of your heart and mind to see Jesus … in unfading, even augmenting, resurrection glory.

This blog is intentionally being laid out as a foundation, in a deliberate order.  You will best come to understand each post if you have already read (and let sink) the previous post.  It is being started as a series entitled “Nuggets From The Book of Joshua”

So here we go …

{* Quote from Dr. Spiros Zodhiates from The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible, (c) 1984 & 1990 Spiros Zodhiates and AMG  International, INC d/b/a AMG Publishers}


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