Unveiling His Name – Part 1

His Name
Part 1

“These things Jesus spoke; and lifting up His eyes to heaven, He said,  “Father … I manifested Your name to the men whom You gave Me …” ”                                                                      John 17:1b, 6a (NASB

“… the LORD spoke to Joshua … “Just as I have been with Moses, I will be (lit. “I-AM”) with you; I will not fail you or forsake                                                                                                      Joshua 1:1, 5b (NASB)

   You will have noticed, in the “Nuggets From the Book of Joshua” letters, that written most of the time in all caps is “LORD” , especially in the quotes from out of the Old Testament.

  It is my intention to open my heart in explaining this to you, something I intended to do when I first realized this writing from the book of Joshua was going to become a series.

The Old Testament has hardly spoken anything personally to me in my private time with the LORD over the last three to four years other than some few verses.  The Holy Spirit had been, throughout that period, predominantly opening up to me the book of Romans, which itself has been huge since Romans has, for me, been a closed book for most of the previous thirty years.  But as the LORD Jesus has been taking me through this massive paradigm shift in my faith to reveal Himself as I have never seen Him before, ever, it has been as though geysers have burst through the hard ground, wells of rivers of living water, exploding up and out, with life, it seems, from the dead for me.

In the last half year I have had one of these geyser explosions, if you will, as pertaining to the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, and I have begun to see Jesus in His resurrection glory where I never saw Him to this magnitude previously within these writings of the Old Covenant.

And in this midst of this the mystery of His name, concealed under the Old Covenant, but revealed through the cross and the ripping of the veil, has burst with gleams of the most costly gem in the revelation of what means His name for us, for the bride of Christ, but also for the world, the lost who do not yet know Him personally.

   I know I have written this several times over the last number of Kairos letters, but I say it afresh as to this teaching; you will not see the scriptures the same again as you begin to see Jesus and the mystery of the cross, the finished work of the cross, where you never saw Him this way before, pertaining, through this Kairos, to the revelation of this name.  Verses will suddenly burst forth to you the very heart of the Father in heaven through glorifying the name of His Son in the revelation of His Son glorifying the Father’s name.

   Ask the Holy Spirit to make this unveiling alive to you.  It will become a glory stream that will not come all at once in one day, but will increase, augmenting day by day as you spend time with the LORD in the Word, and it will become life to you throughout the rest of your day as you find yourself meditating on this.

   I tell you this also, Beloved.  You will come to see one, maybe even two, New Testament verses entirely different than you have ever heard it preached before, ever.  You will never hear these familiar verses the same in your heart as you have always heard it, even if it is proclaimed under the old way.

   That which initially instigated searching this out from the scriptures came because of having heard Pastor Joseph Prince bring this out several times in his teaching more than a year ago.

The impact, however, did not hit me until I studied one particular chapter in Exodus, one glory encounter Moses came to have with YHVH up on Mt. Sinai, the seventh time, by my counting, he ascended this mount to meet with the LORD.  It was a revelation to Moses, the very first person on earth to come into this, of the opening up of this name’s very denotation, to the core, (though numerous previous times the LORD had been called by this name, no one had ever actually come to see and hear it’s definition in unveiled revelation –  see Ex. 6:3).

What Pastor Prince brought out from the Hebrew, I checked and double checked against Gesenius’ Hebrew/Chaldee Lexicon, as well as another source.  And it was in this checking and studying (to find that what I had heard taught was indeed so, and more so), that this name, wholly set into the very name/destiny of God’s only begotten Son, has come to be for me a continual growing awe of my LORD – my heavenly Father, my LORD Jesus, and in the last few weeks, the Holy Spirit who lives inside of those who have believed into Jesus.

   Some of this was initially explained in the very long Kairos newsletter (hard copy) from the spring of 2013, titled “Paradigm Shift”; but so much more as come to light for me since digging deeper into the Exodus 34 encounter.  My intention is to bring out as much as possible in this letter, so this Kairos may be longer than the “Nuggets” series.  I need to lay this foundation also because of what I believe the LORD is putting on my heart to write after this.

You will see in following letters how the LORD literally sets who He is from out of the description of His name into certain individuals within the time frame of the first five books of the Bible, and what this means on a far greater scale for us today because of who Jesus is to us in His resurrection glory … revealing kingdom authority as we have yet to comprehend and so walk in on an at large scale in terms of the whole bride of Christ – It will reveal our purpose as the body of Christ on earth among the lost who need Him, and it will bring about a comprehension of Royal authority patterned by what took place within and then out of Esther when she walked into the throne room of justice to confront the empire’s greatest enemy.

   Let the glory of the resurrection be set as a cornerstone in who you are, Dearly Beloved, in the revelation of this name.

Do not rush through reading this.  If you will chew on this and let this sink deeply into your heart and mind, the Holy Spirit will unfold more to you than what is written here.


                                                                   יהוה                                                                   YHVH

“Now it came about after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD (YHVH) that the LORD (YHVH) spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, saying, … “No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life.  Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you.””                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Joshua 1:1, 5 (NASB)

   In opening and reading the pages of the Old Testament, you come to realize that the pronoun name “Lord” has two different spellings: “Lord” and “LORD”.   This was intentional by the translators because they were distinguishing one particular spelling (and definition) of a Hebrew title for God from the Name by which He had made Himself personally known, i.e. to Abraham, to Moses, etc.   Those who are familiar with the historic British system of titled positions will recognize the first use, “Lord”; for a number of statured individuals, especially of their parliament’s senate chamber, are often called “lord __________” (as in “lord Brockingham”).  The title generally reveals that they are of a lineage of wealthy land owners.  In Spanish culture it is identical, especially historically as to it’s Latin root defining a land owner; those titled names as “Don __________” (as in “Don Gabriel de la Ceuva”).  This Spanish title of honor is actually close to the Hebrew title used in the Old Testament.  For the Old Testament spelling, “Lord” is generally taken from the Hebrew name/title “Adonai”, which is rooted in the word “adone” – that is, “a sovereign”, itself derived from a root word meaning “to rule”.  Accordingly, the highest “lord” would be one who was the supreme ruler over all the land of a nation – the king.  That king would consequently be the Lord of lords.  Moreover, any king conquering and so lording over numerous kingdoms would thus be considered “King of kings” (ref. Dan. 2:37) … this one would be The supreme lord over lords who themselves are the supreme lord of their respective lands.   Hence the ultimate title – “King of kings AND Lord of lords.” (Rev. 17:14).

   With all due respect to this titled name, and without for one moment imputing diminution (accounting as not important) to the honor of such position, this title as a name carries in it’s meaning an aspect of distance as pertaining to relationship between said party and his subjects.  It cannot be denied that such cognizance of distance in this relationship is magnified or diminished in perception based upon the past and/or present rule of and the view by those respective subjects.  Yet the Holy Spirit, in the early morning as I was waking up and this whole issue of the Name was on my mind, gave me to see something in this for we who are blood-bought sons and daughters of Almighty God through the King of kings and the Lord of lords who gave His life to bring us into this relationship.   I will explain it as He showed it to me through the revelation of the other spelling of this use of “Lord.”


    It is the Capitalized Name, “LORD”, which has captured my heart over the last year; for in it is the revelation of Almighty God’s heart towards mankind, towards the peoples of the earth, the part of creation He made in His image and His likeness.

                                          “YHVH … loves peoples …”                                                                                                                                                          Deuteronomy 33:2a, 3                                                                                        (lit. frm Heb. Massoretic text)

   In this Name is the revelation of God’s Son, and thus reciprocally is the revelation of God as Father through unveiling Who God is in and through His Son … and His Son’s cross.  The whole plan and purpose of our salvation … from eternity … is in the everlasting Name He would bestow upon His Son.  (The Old Testament does acknowledge that Almighty God has a Son – Prov.30:3-4). 

   Almighty God was called “YHVH” by individuals prior to the revelation that came to Moses in Exodus 3:13ff.  However, the exposition of this Name, and accordingly of character of our LORD God did not come to be for anyone before Moses; and the reason for this has to do with what all “deliverance” for people by God means in totality.

   “Then the LORD said to Moses, “Now you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh; for under compulsion (lit. by a strong hand [pay attention, Beloved, because in this literal is the beginning of the revelation of the Name “LORD”… All the way to seeing Jesus & how the spiritual “Pharaoh” will be forced to let peoples go from slavery to sin] he shall let them go, and under compulsion (lit. by a strong hand ) he shall drive them out of his land.”                                                                                                                               God spoke further to Moses and said to him, “I am the LORD (lit. “I – YHVH); and I appeared to Abraham, (to) Isaac, and (to) Jacob, as God Almighty (lit. El Shaddai – ref. Gen. 17:1), but by My name, LORD (lit. “YHVH), I did not make Myself known to them.” ”                                                                            Exodus 6:1-3 (NASB)                                                                                                           (Bracket inserts by me)

   The disclosure of this Name was not unveiled to the predecessors of Moses, verily to not one single soul, before this present.  Even so, what was to take place before the face of Moses, however many moons beyond these first encounters in Exodus’s early chapters, would reveal exceedingly more from of the Name of the very One now speaking to Moses for the very first time in the land of Midian in the northwestern corner of the Arabian peninsula, some forty years after his having fled Egypt for trying to be Israel’s deliverer in his own strength.  Still, the full extent of this Name – wholly unveiled – would actually remain veiled for some fifteen hundred years until one afternoon on a hill inside their presently unattained promised inheritance.

   Please bear with me in this process, Beloved.  It is like uncovering an exceeding treasure … the glory of the discovery augments as the uncovering process reveals more and more of the wealth of the find.

   “Then Moses said to God, “Behold, I am going to the sons of Israel, and I shall say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you.’  Now they may say to me, ‘What is His name?’  What shall I say to them?”                                                                                                                     And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM” (אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה – Eh’yeh ásher Eh’yeh) ; and He said, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ … This is My name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations.””                                                                                                                    Exodus 3:13-14, 15b (NASB)                                                                                         (insert from Heb. text)

   The אֶהְיֶה – eh’yeh” is from the verb -hayah” הָיָה HYH –are the character letters of the Hebrew of this verb, from which His name, יְהוָה – YHVH, is derived.  Several English versions of Scripture translate this as “Jehovah”, several use the Samaritan pronunciation spelling “YaHWeH”.  The Hebrew text with the vowel markings spell this Name YeHoVaH -(the V and W {and occasionally U} are the same letter in Hebrew, using respectively one of the {English} pronunciations, depending on where/how it is used).  It is not my intention to get into discussion as to pronunciation or (vowel) spelling.  What you need to see in this name, Beloved, is that He (our LORD) is … Present TenseAlways!!!

   Look again above at verse 14, the Hebrew words for “I AM WHO I AM – Eh’yeh ásher Eh’yeh”.  Now look again at the quote of Joshua 1:1&5, paying attention to both the emboldened Name and the two verb tenses.

“Now it came about after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD (YHVH) that the LORD (YHVH) spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, saying, … “No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life.  Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you.” ”                                                                                                                                                                Joshua 1:1, 5 (NASB)

    Look at this verse from the Hebrew word order and tense from the Hebrew text.

“(There) does-not-stand a man before-you [lit. to-your-face] all (the) days of-your-life.  כַּאֲשֶׁר הָיִיתִי עִם־מֹשֶׁה אֶהְיֶה עִמָּ  As-how I-WAS [Häyiytiy] with Moses, I-AM [Eh’yeh] with-you.”                                                                                                                      Joshua 1:5                                                              (Word order & brckt insert – frm Heb. text)

    We tend to emphasize the with Moses so I will be with you”, and likewise, seeing what was past for Moses to becoming, for Joshua, a future promise.  But how was the LORD with Moses?  He was always “present tense I-AM who I-AM ”.  And that is exactly how He was in the present moment that He was speaking with Joshua.  It is not de-emphasizing the “with”; rather it is bringing to light the powerful reality that that “with you” was the “YHVH-present tense I-AM who I-AM”.

   He who “was and who is and who is to come” is always present tense.  And He, Present Tense “I AM that I AM” , is always as such in relation to giving “cha-im” – “Life”, exactly as He showed Himself to do/be at Creation,  Genesis 1&2.

   His Name “YHVH” is first used in Genesis 2:4; and there is it shown to be one in conjunction with EloHiym, the Name used of God in Genesis 1’s account of the creation on a broad scale.  His Name, YHVH, is introduced in aspect of the micro details of creation, which involve the creating of the man and then of the woman.  What is amazing, in keeping this in mind, is when you come to discover the hidden eternal work of the salvation of mankind in the revelation of YHVH, you will come to be in awe of so great our God and Father in whom has always been in His heart, in who He is, our salvation – with everything that this denotes and connotes – in which you will thus also find yourself from now on, especially as you read and keep discovering our Savior in the pages of the Old Covenant, at a place in God you never dreamed.


Part 2 – Unveiling His Name from Sinai – the Revelation that put glory on Moses’ face.