Unveiling His Name – Part 2 – The Revelation That Put “Glory” on Moses’ Face

Part 2

                    – Unveiling His Name from Sinai –                         The Revelation That Put Glory on Moses’ Face


   It is imperative, in coming to comprehension of the revelation of Who our LORD is, to give attention to the one single glory encounter Moses came to have up on Mount Sinai.

   I will not go into detail, as I wrote all of this in my long, 80 page, Kairos last year, titled “Paradigm Shift”, (let me know if you want a copy, I will gladly get one to you), except to just note that, by my counting, Moses met with the LORD upon Mount Sinai six times before he had the glory encounter that literally caused his face to shine.  Indeed, Moses had already had “face to Face” encounters in the tent of meeting he had set up outside the camp of Israel (Ex. 33:7-11), also prior to the glory encounter of that 7th ascent to the top of Sinai.

   We know well the story of Moses’ first 40 day meet with the LORD, where the ten commandments, first stated back in Exodus 20, were inscribed by the finger of God into both sides of two tablets of stone (Ex. 31:18, 32:18).  As those days seemed to drag on, without word from Moses, the people below were getting antsy in their waiting; and so they stirred Aaron, Moses’ brother, to make for them a golden calf, which he labeled, “your god, O Israel, who brought you up from the land of Egypt.” (Ex. 32:4 NASB).  When Moses alas descended Mt. Sinai, with Joshua, his servant who had been spending those forty days part way up the mountain, Moses, having already been told by the LORD upon Sinai what the people were doing, suddenly appears in the sight of the people in hot anger, in the midst of their frenzied orgy while they were worshipping and partying around this golden idol.  Moses throws down the stone engraved tablets, smashing them, then has the gold calf ground to powder, then has his fellow Levites put to death 3,000 who were involved in the orgy (Ex. 32:28).  But he spends the next however many days in heart torn intercession for his people because of the anger of the LORD in wanting to destroy the entire nation – for this is the penalty for breaking the Law to which they had covenanted themselves. (The first two commandments, stated in Ex. 20:3-4, were restated in v23 prior to Moses’ 40 day ascent in Ex. 23).  Exactly as Paul would write in Romans 7 and in 1 Corinthians 15:56, the Law, the ten commandments engraved on stone, activated sin in the flesh.  Those 1st two restated commands were challenged by that activated sin in the flesh … and consequently wrath …

   Exodus 33 opens with the LORD telling Moses to go ahead and go and lead the people into their promised inheritance, but that HE, the LORD, was not going to go up with them, that He would send with them an angel to help get them their inheritance, lest by His own personal going up with them, He destroy them because of their continued obstinacy (stiff-necked attitude) towards obeying the Law as they had covenanted with Him to do.  As wonderful as it may sound that the LORD would still send with the people an angel, Moses has already spent too much time in the YHVH’s Presence to settle for less than the Presence of YHVH Himself.

   Moses, in Exodus 33, knowing the LORD is angry with His people, yet knowing, in his standing in the gap for them, that he has stayed God’s hand of judgment of the entire nation, seems to have touched that part of the heart of YHVH by which is His nature to lovingkindness (mercy) and grace; and in this he asks for something so significant.  It is in this entire event, even from what consequently transpired, that instigates what would come to be for Moses an unveiling of the Name, a revelation of who is this YHVH who introduced Himself as such back in Exodus 3:14-15.

“Then Moses said to the LORD, “See, You say to me, ‘Bring up this people!’  But You Yourself have not let me know whom You will send with me.  Moreover, You have said, ‘I have known you by name, and you also have found favor in my sight.’  Now therefore, I pray Thee, if I have found favor in Your sight, let me know Your ways, that I may know You, so that I may find favor in Your sight.  Consider too, that this nation is Your people.” 
    And He said, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.”
   Then he said to Him, “If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here.  For how then can it be known that I have found favor in Your sight, I and Your people?  Is it not by Your going with us, so that we, I and Your people, may be distinguished from all the other people who are upon the face of the earth?”
   And the LORD said to Moses, “I will also do this thing of which you have spoken; for you have found favor in My sight, and I have known you by name.”
   Then Moses said, “I pray Thee, show me Your glory!”
   And He said, “I will make all My goodness pass before you,                         and will proclaim the Name of the LORD before you;                                               and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious,                                                       and will show compassion on whom I will show compassion.”
   But He said,                                                                                                                                     “You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!””                                                                                                                        Exodus 33:12-20 (NASB)               (The “Thee”s & “thou”s have been switched to “You” and “Your”)

The LORD’s final response to Moses – But He said, “You cannot see My face,…” – reveals that Moses’ ultimate request to see His glory is, in truth, Moses’ unspoken (in words) heart request to see the LORD’s face!  Here is the nugget to this, Beloved:  To see the LORD’s face is to get to look into His eyes … and in getting to gaze into His eyes … is getting to see … His heart.

“The lamp of the body is the eye; if therefore your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Jesus                                                                                                            Matthew 6:22 (NASB)

Moses will not get to see the LORD’s face …
but he will get to see the LORD’s back  …  full of light

   At the beginning of the following chapter, the LORD tells Moses, the two of them most probably still speaking with one another in the Tent of meeting (of the previous chapter), to go ahead, the following morning, and come back up the mountain with a new set of cut out stones (to replace the two he’d thrown down and smashed).  Exodus 34 comes to be the key encounter where the revelation of “the LORD”, “YHVH” in Hebrew, literally becomes a revelation of glory, a prophetic revelation, moreover, of the cross to come.

“So he cut out two stone tablets like the former ones, and Moses rose up early in the morning and went up to Mount Sinai, as the LORD had commanded him, and he took two stone tablets in his hand.
   Then the LORD passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The LORD (YHVH), the LORD (YHVH) God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations.” ”                                                                                                                                                                                                  Exodus 34:5, 7 (NASB)

  YHVH had told Moses, the day before in the tent down the mountain, that He was going pass ALL His goodness before the face of him, and in doing this would be the calling out of His Name “YHVH”, announcing (revealing) this Name’s eternal definition … unveiling His compassion/mercy/tender love, and His grace (“chanan” is the Heb. root word, often translated elsewhere as “favor”).  The revelation upon the mountain, which Moses was both hearing AND seeing of the glory (of the back) of YHVH, revealed the full light of the singleness of His eye… down to His heart.  But this revelation of YHVH equally showed forth the aspect of His love for righteousness AND His hatred for lawlessness (Ps. 45:6-7a), and consequently the need to punish sin.  The whole mystery unveiled – of God’s love FOR mankind, to save him, equaled with God’s hatred for sin in man – which Jesus would wholly bear upon the cross on Golgatha’s hill some 1,500 years after this Exodus 34 encounter, would come to be the revelation unveiling in full view … of ALL man, both Jew and Gentile, of this that Moses was now witnessing on Mt. Sinai of this Name, “YHVH”.

   The totality of verse 7 above showed forth a glory that would, on Moses’ face, eventually fade (II Cor. 3:7, 11a), because under the then new dispensation of the Law the 2nd half of the above proclamation could not come to a completion for mankind so as to escape the reality of falling short of the glory … until Jesus, YHVHshua.  (Revelation insert – the reason Moses could not look at the face of YHVH [this is coming to me as I write], the reason no one could look into the face of the LORD and live … was because the blood of the perfect, eternal Lamb of God was not on the Mercy Seat in Heaven, was consequently not in view of Holy God, of Almighty Holy God’s eyes … thus all His eyes could do was to see man only through the Law, and not yet even through the temporary, non-eternal blood of the Law’s required “shadow/type” sacrifices; for the tabernacle, along with all the required sacrifices and offerings, would not even be set up for another three months until after Moses was to descend from this encounter).  To have YHVH’s face, His eyes, set upon us where we can gaze at Him, is to have His eternal gaze of cheerful-unmerited favor/grace, setting into us and changing us because of the eternally sufficient blood upon the real Mercy Seat , upon which He rests, and apart-from, or through which He cannot gaze – the Mercy Seat did not become an eternal MERCY Seat, as it were, where the restful finished work of the blood was a reality, both in this age and the age to come, for mankind until the moment The Lamb of God breathed His last breath upon the real altar of burnt offering … the cross upon that hill called “Golgatha”.  Until that blood, Beloved, was to be set upon the real Mercy Seat in Heaven the real Cheribum on either side of heaven’s throne would not be staring at YHVH’s resting/gazing eyes upon eternal blood, would not likewise be themselves gazing down to see the forever blood upon the Mercy Seat, rather only to see that throne as a pure judgment seat based upon the Law [exactly as Ezekiel was given to see – Ez. 1-2, 8].

    The glory on Moses’ face would fade, as such glory still does today, while the Old Covenant, which does not view the eternal blood, even the finished work of the cross in having eternally utterly dealt with sin, (with all that this denotes and connotes), was and is kept “alive” [in preaching & teaching. See Heb. 9:8].  God the Father, YHVH, was looking forward to the day when the real sacrifice to be made on Golgatha’s hill would alas, and for the remainder of eternity, let His eyes see, upon us, through the blood of the Lamb upon the Mercy Seat in heaven, forever covering the Law, even the condemnation, the deserved wrath of the Law and by the Law.  The real unfading glory for Moses would glow upon his face the day he and Elijah stood atop that Mountain [not Sinai] to see face to face and eye to eye in speaking with YHVH-shua/Jesus about His upcoming “departure which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem”- (Lk. 9:28-31).

  The entire “pattern” of the tabernacle Moses received from the LORD during the first forty days upon Mt. Sinai (before being given the 10 commandments in stone at the very end of those 40 days), which the sons of Israel of his generation made and assembled, was just that – a “pattern” – a mere copy of the real tabernacle in heaven, of the real workings where is our Almighty God’s throne (Ex. 25:40) … that tabernacle that would come down one day and dwell among men (see John 1:14 in YLT).  I cannot help but think, with what took place almost violently at the moment of Jesus’s final breath on the cross, that the one thing set up in the earthly tabernacle, between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies that was not part of the real in heaven was the veil. … Except that the scriptures, in Hebrews 10:19, reveal that the veil to the real, the true, Holy of Holies in Heaven, is Jesus’s flesh. (And God the Father let Gentiles rip that apart …Selah…) … Even so, the earthly had to be veiled, for the heavenly could not be exposed until the real blood of the spotless Lamb of God could be placed upon the real Mercy Seat in heaven … (that just came to me as a revelation as I am writing, Beloved).  The glory of the revelation of YHVH, His heart for mankind, could not be unveiled as a grace-truth in Moses’ time and onward until the blood of redemption from the cross of Golgatha’s hill of the Lamb that was to be slain came to be a flesh and blood reality in both this finite age and eternity.  The addition of “shua” to YHVH, as seen in Joshua’s name, the one leading the people into Divine promised inheritance, is the revelation of what really is unfading glory.

… Selah …


Here is the unfolding of the Name,  “I-AM Who I-AM” – YHVH – 

    The characters of what today is Hebrew are, in fact, Aramaic.  The words of the Old Testament were, (except for a few passages in the book of Daniel), written in Hebrew words/Hebrew language, but using Aramaic characters.  Ancient Hebrew letters/characters, which are pre-Babylonian captivity, are quite different.  Those who have learned the Greek letters would find, in looking at ancient Hebrew characters, many similarities to Greek letters, several ancient Hebrew letters looking like backwards Greek letters.  The ancient Hebrew letters were derived from symbols of recognizable objects; for example, the “ a – Aleph” first letter character symbol in ancient Hebrew looks like you’re looking down at the head of an ox, and that is exactly what “aleph” stood for.

   The other aspect of the Hebrew letters is that they are used as the symbols for their numbers.  As we use the Arabic symbols, 1, 2, 3, for our numbers (I bet you didn’t know these were Arabic in origin), so likewise, the Hebrew letters are consecutively used, in their alphabetic order, as their numbers symbols; hence, the symbol for “aleph” (a) carries the numeric value of 1; the “beit” (b) is the numeric value of 2, and so on.

The LORD’s Name – YHVH.
* – The first letter  – “Y”- y – (Yod”), the 10th letter in the Hebrew alphabet, represents the hand, this letter’s name spelling out the virtual Hebrew word for “hand”.
* – The third letter – “V”- w – (Vav or Waw), the 6th letter in the Hebrew alphabet, represents a peg, nail, hook, used for attaching one thing to something else.  The letter, in Hebrew text, often represents the conjunction “and” which joins one part of the statement to the following part, hence the representation of the peg or nail.
* – The second and fourth letter – “H” – h – (Heh – sounds like “hay”), the 5th letter in the Hebrew alphabet; to quote from Gesenius lexicon, Its original form perhaps represents a lattice, or window, and the same seems to be expressed by the word he” (sounds like “heh”, meaning,] lo!, see!”.  The Hebrew word “hiNëh” (see Psalms 133:1) is derived from this, meaning, “behold, look!”

   The letters put together speak this of  “I-AM who I-AM” , showing the revelation of the Joshua/Yehoshua of the New Covenant …

– YHVH – “The hand, Look!  The nail, Look!”

Do you see, Beloved?
Are you ready for more? …

   Look again at the numbers of these letters.  The “Y” – Yod – is “10”, representing the Law. The “V” – Vav – is the peg, the nail that nails the Law to the cross in Christ (Eph. 2:15-16; Col. 2:14). It is also the number “6”, which is the number of man.  Jesus came as a Man to take the punishment, our wrath from the Law, to be nailed through His hands.  The “H” – Hey – is “5” , and represents … Grace.  But don’t just take my saying this just because I wrote it as so.  I had heard this many years ago, but no one showed me the scriptures behind it until Pastor Joseph Prince a couple of years ago backed this up with scripture …  and I looked it up to see if it was so … and it was!  I will show you.  The 5th time Noah’s name is named, Gen. 6:8, the 5th time Ruth’s name is named, Ruth 2:2, the 5th time David’s name is named in the book of I Samuel, 16:22, each of them, within the verse, find “favor”; the Hebrew root word used in each of these verses is “chanan”, which is the Hebrew word for “grace”.  Likewise, in the New Testament gospel of Luke, the 5th time Jesus’ name is named, Lk. 2:52, says, “And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and men.” (NASB).  The root Grk. word for “favor”there is “charis”, which is “grace”.

   The grace of the LORD God to mankind was demonstrated through Him sending a perfect Son as a man, in the likeness of sinful flesh, but not Himself sinful flesh, to fulfill the demands of the Law (Mat. 5:17-18), and then, for mankind, to take the punishment of the Law (Rom. 8:3) and through man, had nailed, in Jesus’ body, the Law to the cross.

“And when you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us and was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way having nailed it to the cross.”                                                                                                                                                                               Colossians 2:13-14 (NASB)
“But now in Christ Jesus … by the blood of Christ … He is our peace… And broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments …through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity.”                                                                                                                                                       Excerpts from Ephesians 2:13-16 (NASB)

Per how the LORD showed this revelation of “YHVH” to Pastor Prince: “The hand of Grace nailed in Grace”.

 The present-tense “I-AM who I-AM” is always the provider of everything we need pertaining to life and to godliness through the supply of grace given by the finished work of Jesus’ cross.  Jesus shows this aspect of Present Tense flow of life-giving life in John’s gospel.  In this revelation is the revelation of resurrection glory – unfading glory.     

   “Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus…  The sisters therefore sent to Him, saying, “Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick.”
   But when Jesus heard it, He said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified by it.”  WhenHe heard that he was sick, He stayed then two days … in the place where He was. … after that He said to them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I go, that I may awaken him out of sleep.” Then Jesus therefore said … plainly, “Lazarus is dead.”
   Martha therefore, when she heard that Jesus was coming, went to meet Him.  … Martha … said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”
   Jesus said to her, “Your brother shall rise again.”
    Martha said to Him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.”
    Jesus said to her, “I AM the resurrection and the life; …
    Jesus … came to the tomb.  Now it was a cave, and a stone was lying against it.  Jesus said, “Remove the stone.”
   Martha, the sister of the deceased, said to Him, “Lord, by this time (lit.-) he stinks, for he has been dead four days.”
   Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you, if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”
   And so they removed the stone.
   And Jesus raised His eyes and said, “Father, I thank You that You heard Me.  And I knew that You hear Me always; but because of the people standing around I said it, that they may believe that You sent Me.”
   And when He had said these things, He cried out with a loud voice, “LAZARUS, COME FORTH.”  He who had died came forth …”                                                                                                                   Excerpts frm. John 11 (NASB)               (The “Thee”s & “thou”s have been switched to “You” and “Your”)


 Beloved, there is a lot in this letter.  Let the Holy Spirit minister to you from what is unveiled here.  Do not be quick to press onward to the succeeding Kairos.  You are not after knowledge about God, but like Moses prayed, ” Let me know Your way THAT I MIGHT KNOW  YOU!
You are greatly loved.                                                                                                  Mark Dingemans
Part 3 – Unveiling the Revelation of “LORD”

kairos – (Kahee-ros’) – Strong’s concordance defines this word: “an occasion, I.e. set or proper  time.”  The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible (NASB) defines this word; “season, time, but not merely as a succession of moments, which is chronos,” [from which we derive the English word ‘chronology’].  “Kairos, however, implies not the convenience of the season, but the necessity of the task at hand, whether the time provides a good, convenient opportunity or not.”  This must be understood.  Strategic times of the Lord do not necessarily imply good or convenient times.  We are in Kairos times.  Maybe not good or convenient times, but definitely strategic, opportune times because of the season we are in.  We must have “ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches,” (Rev. 2:29), so as to respond correctly to the Kairos time.
* Some Scripture for this letter is taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE, (c) 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, by The  Lockman Foundation.  Used by permission.  Other references translated from Grk. Txt as presented in T. Newberry’s Englishman’s Greek New Testament, Zondervan Publishing – 1982- originally published in London, Eng. 1877