Tag Archives: Baptism

Unveiling Holy Spirit – THE KINGDOM FORCE OF HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM – The Decree of John the Baptist

“Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and Herod was tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Phillip was tetrarch of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitus, and Lysanias was tetrach of Abilene, in the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, The Word of God CAME TO JOHN, the son of Zacharias, in the wilderness.                                                                                                                                                                               Luke 3:1-2 (NASB)

“And he proclaimed, saying, “He is coming, the (One) MIGHTIER than me, after me, … I, [indeed], baptized you in water.  He, however, will baptize you in Holy Spirit.” ”                                                                                                  Mark 1:7a, 8                                 (lit. frm Grk text, showing Grk text emphasis)

  John’s proclamation, of the Mightier One coming Who would baptize the people in a Spirit that was Holy revealed that the Kairos time of Father God’s promise, that of pouring out His Spirit on His people, was now on the verge of coming to pass.  The fulfillment of YHVH’s prophetic decrees centuries before, through Isaiah several times (44:3, 59:21), as well as through Ezekiel (39:29) and Joel (2:28-29), and alluded to by others, was upon this generation.

What is stunning in this is that the Kairos time picked by God Himself was THE darkest time.

Pay attention to this, Beloved.  If you will glean abundantly from the truth unveiled, you will see and realize the Hope that actually is a present Grace-truth of NOW, and will accordingly see through the lie of the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that now works in, and voices through, the sons of disobedience, which says that the present time is getting worse, and that it is ‘Darkness’ which is growing over the earth.

“For behold, darkness will cover the earth, And DEEP DARKNESS the peoples ;  But the LORD [YHVH] will rise upon you, and His glory will appear upon you.”                                                                                                               Isaiah 60:2 (NASB)

  “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.”                                                                                                                                                                    Isaiah 9:2 (Berean Study Bible)

    These prophetic words, Precious Ones, are not to us … nor will they ever be!  These prophecies were to the seed of Abraham at the end of the of era of “B.C.”, and to the nations at the time of the beginning of the gospel; Matthew declares this to be so in his gospel

“and leaving Nazareth, He came and settled in Capernaum, which is by the sea, in the region of Zebulun and Naphtali.  This was TO FULFILL what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying, “The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, by way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles – The people who were sitting in darkness saw a great light, and to those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death, upon them a light dawned.” ”                                                                                                   Matthew 4:13-16 (NASB)

  The intensity of “deep darkness” and “shadow of death” as a reality of life at the fullness of time over the earth (Rom. 5:12,17a; Gal. 4:4), at the point of Jesus’s coming, was WAY beyond our imagination.  Those who live in lands where the gospel has not been allowed a free voice, and those of Europe and Asia all the way to the Far East, who lived through the years of WWII, would know of the taste of that age before Jesus, yet still not to the full extent as it was before the gospel.  We just do not realize the extensiveness of ‘the rule’ of the king of darkness over mankind before the cross, before satan’s stripping by Jesus.

ALL-Mighty God, our Heavenly Father, intentionally picked THE darkest time over His people to birth His Son, Jesus – His Word in the flesh – and to baptize Him as a man in His Holy Spirit, in order to turn on the Light of Who He – ALL Mighty God – really is.  Because in the deepest darkness even what seems like the most insignificant light shines incredibly bright, and far … where the “rule” of darkness, all that is its “authority”, or “power”, falls, scatters at the smallest flicker.

Turn to that Isaiah 9 passage, Beloved, and read through the following verses after v2.  Isaiah clearly declares that this is pertaining to Jesus’s time-frame, from of Jesus’s birth onward.

“For You shall break …the rod of their oppressor … For a child will be born to us … And the government will be upon His shoulders; … There will be no end TO THE INCREASE of His government or of peace … From then on and forevermore.   The zeal of the LORD of hosts WILL accomplish THIS.”                                                                        excrpt frm Isaiah9:4-7 (NASB)

Father’s purposed intent and aim was that, from this time forward, THAT LIGHT deliberately and systematically would increase, spreading across the earth, from dark nation unto dark nation (Is. 9:6-7, 60:3; Mat.  28:18-20; Lk.24:46-47; Col.1:5b-6a, 13 et al).  For this had been the Father’s planned purpose since He first spoke to Abraham – as Abram – in the dark city of Ur of the Chaldees (Gen. 12:3, Josh. 24:2-3; Acts 7:2-3; Gal. 3:8), even His objective since His judgment of the serpent back in garden (Gen. 3:15; Eph. 1:5,9-11).

The fullness of what Father poured out upon His Son, as Jesus was coming up out of the waters of the Jordan, His baptism into Holy Spirit, is a force of Fatheras God … an active working of the power of His love for His Son towards us.  His authority, that Holy Spirit enduement, was that fountain that began to overflow up out of His Son the moment Jesus began declaring truth in the ears of the devil at the end of the forty days of fasting.

What made eternally unbeatable in Jesus this conquering force of Holy Spirit, in Holy Spirit baptism, was the death that Jesus died in water baptism (Mk. 1:9; Rom. 6:3, 10).  The manifestation of what so many of God’s people right now are after is here, Beloved, in Jesus’s death – to sin & the world & the devil.  The power of Holy Spirit so many of you are longing to be a living reality through your life is foundationed right here in Jesus’s baptism, into Water and Holy Spirit.  (Jhn. 14:30b, 16:33b)

Golgatha’s cross some three years later was the revelation in the eyes of the world, before the Jews first, and also to the pagan nations, of the proof of the gold, as it were, that was the Son of God, the Man Jesus, the truth of what exactly was His Jordan’s baptism into death and the resurrection new life of a landed/rested Dove, where the force AND MANIFESTED TRUTH of Who Father is as God becomes the living reality in this age …  in the face of darkness’s king & kingdom.

I believe that we, the church at large, those having indeed been born again, have really not comprehended or fully taken seriously the design of Father God, the truth – the fullness, the power even – of the single unity of the Spirit, the water, & the blood.

This is the One Who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ; not with water only, but with the water and with the blood.  And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth.  For there are three that bear witness, the Spirit and the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.  … for the witness of God is this, that He has borne witness concerning His Son.”                                                                                                                                                          I John 5:6-8,9b (NASB)

Jesus’s words in both John 3:3 AND John 3:5 have not been seen and understood in the simple wisdom Father intended as a single working of Him, the force of His witness as God concerning His Son.  And so, for the most part, we have not fully carried this as a single whole process of new birth.

“Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again (lit. also “born anew / born from above”) he is NOT ABLE TO SEE the kingdom of God.”  

He says to Him, Nicodemus, “How is a man able to be born, ‘old’ being?  He is not able into the womb of the mother of him a second time to enter and to be born?

Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water AND OF SPIRIT, he is NOT ABLE TO ENTER INTO the kingdom of God.” ”                                                                                                                                         John 3:3-5 (Lit. frm Grk text)

   Jesus here in verse 5, answering Nicodemus’s inquiring heart and mind, explains the full Eternal intent of what means “being born anew/being born from above”.

We have so divided up “being born again” from water baptism; and some have completely rejected as “out of date” exactly what was for Jesus and then for the entire early church “being baptized in Holy Spirit”.

We have not seen the single unity, the single oneness, of Jesus’s baptism into water and Holy Spirit, all that is the power of the cross AND His consequential breathing Holy Spirit into His disciples the day His Father raised Him from the dead (Jhn.  20:19-22), AND Holy Spirit baptism enduement/clothing of those believers after His Ascension and seating to Heaven’s Throne with His Father, as the FULL-fillment of His words in both John 3:3 and 3:5 to Nicodemus, that is, ALL that it means “to be born again” into Kingdom entrance, HERE, right now … on earth.

Accordingly, we have not understood the significance of why Father, in the sound of His breath like a rushing wind that was violent, which appeared like tongues that were on fire, would change, literally, the language of the believer in the manifestation of Holy Spirit baptism received.  We do not realize how much our common thinking, and so the speech of our tongues, have been brought up, wired, to a “what seems right to man” language that is so opposite the true new nature of Christ, that is, the pure word of God, that we needed help from heaven to pray and speak from pure faith undefiled.Jesus was not “wired” into the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; His language was always and only the pure truth from the tree of life.  Even so, He still needed to be baptized in His Father’s Holy Spirit.  His thinking, however, was never at any moment skewed by this life, this age’s influence; He would say that He only spoke what He heard from His Father, (Jhn. 12:49-50), which means every single prayer He would ever pray was utterly perfect. 

This level of perfect hearing, Precious One, was not stated by Jesus in the gospels for us to read and think it was only possible to this perfect Man.  Holy Spirit had John to write this so that we have this as a hope and promise to grow into as Jesus’s body on earth.  There IS a place by faith through grace to grow into the full measure of the stature of the Son of God (Eph.  4:13b), to be transformed by Father’s working into the image of Christ Jesus (Rom. 8:26-30; Jhn.  14:12-14).  But you must see and know that it has to be by Father God’s design, and that has to do with the fire that comes through Holy Spirit baptism, as it was for the perfect Son of God, exactly as it had to be through Jesus from heaven’s throne for the early church, as we see it throughout the scriptures of the book of Acts.

Jesus had promised the fire, during His ministry years (Lk. 12:49), that He Himself would cast into the earth.  John had decreed that He would do this in Holy Spirit baptism, in Matthew 3:11b, and it would be confirmed as so on the day of Pentecost. 

That fire, Beloved, intentionally manifested as it was in Acts 2:3, was a fire which Jesus never declared anywhere in the scriptures that He would let wane or remove, from the church or from the earth.  It was a fire specifically of the tongue that had to come, and still has to come, in order to burn up, through speaking in the language that HOLY Spirit causes us to speak, the fire that tongues defiled (wired) with this age’s language sets (Jas. 3:5-6; Pro. 18:21)

Yet even more than that, in the purity of His Word (see Ps. 12:6) is the true revelation of Christ Jesus and the finished work of the cross, which, unveiled, sets hearts ablaze through the Good News of Christ Jesus proclaimed (Lk. 24:32, 44-45; Rom. 3:21; Eph. 3:4-5).  The fire cast on the day of Pentecost got its kindled demonstration of Jesus’s pre-cross longing intent the day Father God raised Him from the dead, in Jesus’s unveiling of Himself from the Old Covenant scriptures with those two on the road to Emmaus.

“A Fire I came to cast upon the earth, and what do I will if already it be kindled; a baptism, however I have to be baptized, …”                                                                                                                                                                                       Luke 12:49-50a                                                    {Frm. Grk. Text in Grk word order)

“And He said to them, “Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into His glory?”  And beginning from Moses and from all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the scriptures.”                                                                                                                                                                                    Luke 24:25-27 (NASB)

“And they said to one another, “Was not the heart of us being burned in us, as He was speaking to us on the road, as He was thoroughly-opening to us the scriptures?” ”                                                                                Luke24:32 (Lit. frm. Grk  text)

Oh Beloved, we have not rightly discerned that satan is so afraid that our tongues be changed from the common language of this age into the fire of the purity of the language of the finished work of Jesus’s cross, the language of the kingdom of God, that literally changes the words of our hearts and lips to bearing witness to the fruit from the tree of life, instead of what we’ve been so used to by the noise of this age, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

We haven’t seen the devil’s tactics in doing all that he can to skew the truth and the power of speaking in tongues in order to keep God’s Holy people, we who have been redeemed by the blood of Christ, from speaking into this age the mysteries of Christ (I Cor. 14:2b; Eph. 3:3), from God’s people actually hitting the mark in praying the most perfect prayers (Rom.8:26-27) where our minds, our thoughts and reasonings according to natural understanding, do not get in the way (Mk.  2:8b; I Cor. 2:14), and from God’s people walking in the greater works of Jesus, as Jesus said we would when He introduced that Holy Spirit was going to be given to us, right before He went to the cross (Jhn. 14).

satan is so afraid of the force of Holy Spirit through our lives by Holy Spirit baptism – Father God’s from eternity design – because it would all scream at him the very gospel, the very life of Christ Jesus systematically destroying his works; actually more, it would blare Jesus’s nakedness that stripped him at the cross, and the loss of his power of death in Jesus’s death, and confirmed by His Resurrection (Heb. 2;14; Col. 2:15; I Cor. 15:55-57).

We do not fathom, as the Bride of Christ as a whole, the force of God in Holy Spirit baptism bearing witness to His Son, Christ Jesus our LORD/Lord, in us and through us (Eph. 1:17-23), of what is Jesus’s water baptism into the Jordan as a son of man and His subsequent clothing of Holy Spirit by His Father, [even though He was already perfect, having been begotten in Mary by the power of Holy Spirit], as the revelation of what God’s Word in the flesh actually looks like, in order to first specifically send Him out to be tested by the king of deep darkness  …  so as to bear witness to the proof of Jesus’s death in baptism, AND the then Fullness of Holy Spirit/Father’s poured out loved Sonship, as the anointing of God’s authority abiding.  It is the revelation that Jesus, as a man, was not facing the devil, or the devil’s tactics, apart from His having been sunk into/having been clothed with, Holy Spirit, (that He was not trusting God’s Word in Him apart from God’s Holy Spirit on Him).  It is a revelation of truth in which we are to be walking.

Our thinking and believing for too long, Beloved, has been to get people born again so that they have a ticket to heaven, operating this way for the most part out of a non-rested faith, through fear of sinners’ possible impending death, and alleged end-time catastrophe that’s supposed to begin at any moment, when all along Father’s will has been to get heaven into us, a graced life transformation; (“Your kingdom come, Your will be done ON EARTH  as it is in heaven.”).  He’s after getting the glory of the last Adam back into ‘born anew from the first Adam’ believers (Rom.  8:29-30; Col.  3:1-4, 10), so as to bear witness on earth the glory of Jesus as He is in heaven, yes, to confront the stripped ruler of darkness that his right and authority over man on earth no longer exists (Is.  28:16-18a; Col.2:13-15; Eph. 1:13-23; 3:9-11; I Pet. 2:9).

…  Selah  …

We CANNOT, Beloved, we are NOT ABLE, to do this, to have Father, as God through us, accomplish this answer to the Lord’s prayer apart from receiving what John the Baptist, at the Jordan river, declared that Jesus would do;

“And he proclaimed, saying, “… the (One) MIGHTIER than me … will baptize you in Holy Spirit.” ”                                                                                                        Mark 1:7a, 8. (lit. frm Grk text)

John’s Declaration – Unveiling the Nature of Holy Spirit

It is in this one single adjective, by John used like a noun, that carries this “in your face/coming to take you down” (to the king of darkness), exceedingly beyond, undefeatable characteristic in the Person of Holy Spirit (because He is literally the Spirit of ALL-Mighty God Himself).  It is something we will actually see through the gospels in Jesus, yet I think not realizing that this is Who Holy Spirit is, (that Mighty One now living inside of those having believed into Jesus).

Father has set in the beginning of all four gospels, at the commencement of the proclamation of the good news of Jesus, this baptism into Holy Spirit.  In the first three gospels, before we see that this is what takes place with Jesus, we first see John making the point to specifically declare this that is going to be done, by the One coming after him, to those having been water baptized; it is God’s decree through John that we hear before getting see what baptism in Holy Spirit looks like shortly thereafter upon Jesus.

And it is in this decree of John that this truth of Holy Spirit, of the nature of Holy Spirit, is made, which will be witnessed through Jesus.  The nugget uncovered, in this one single word, causes us to know and understand God our Father’s intent, His heart for us, and accordingly His purpose through us, once this breathing of Him falls upon us.It is THIS of Holy Spirit, Beloved, that Father wants us to learn and to know, so that we might understand the robe of authority that is Holy Spirit baptism, in order that we might grow and mature unto the full stature of the Son of God – as He is now upon the throne, this side of having stripped satan and having been set FAR ABOVE ALL principalities and powers …

Apart from seeing and believing this, Precious one, as who we are (seated) in Christ Jesus, as His very body on earth, we remain passive in our hearts and minds in our believing, that is, in our faith’s augmentation towards the increase of Jesus’s government, as Isaiah prophesied; we literally come short of seeing manifest increasingly through us the glory of Jesus, the glory of all that His suffering to the cross gained to establish His kingdom on earth exactly as it is in heaven.

“The LORD said to my Lord: Sit at My right hand, until I put Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.” ”                                                                                                                                   Ps. 110:1 (NASB)

“For He (Jesus) must reign until He (God the Father) HAS PUT His enemies under His feet.”                                                                                                                             I Corinthians 15:25 (NASB)

Father’s heart, Beloved, is NOT to get us out of here.  Rather it is to exceedingly glorify Christ Jesus through us – the church/Christ’s body on earth – the finished work of Jesus’s cross, in setting ALL the enemies of Jesus under His feet [which clearly implies under our feet, because we are King Jesus’s body on earth].  Holy Spirit in us and clothing us is how Father has designed to accomplish this purpose and task of glorifying His Son (Ps. 2, 110; Heb.  1:8-9, 10:12-13; et al).

“in order that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known THROUGH the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.  This was in accordance with the eternal purpose which He carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord, in Whom we have boldness …                                                                                                                Ephesians 3:10-12a (NASB)

“… He raised Him from the dead, and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come.  And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him Who fills all in all.”                                                                                                                                              Ephesians 1:20b-23 (NASB)

It was this aspect of Holy Spirit, of what exactly was this “Holy Spirit enduement”,  in and on Jesus that satan did not recognize or see on Him in the desert, this “clothing” of this Man, the Son of God, Who had been fasting longer than anyone, since Moses did so some 1500 years earlier … (that past chosen vessel of YHVH who ended up never making it into the promised land) … as the first Adam, perfect, gave up his glory, who was this Man that the same outcome could not be accomplished?

satan had never met one single man, ever, dead to sin, even though several had had the Holy Spirit upon them (temporarily – ie. Num. 11:25; Judges 3:10; I Sam. 11:6).  The devil did not even begin to comprehend what that baptism into the Jordan denoted within this Man, nor the power of the words of the Almighty which had descended as a dove and landed upon Him … and did not fly off.

It was this single adjective proclaimed by John that popped off the page.  I had anticipated moving beyond Jesus’s baptism and wilderness testing to learn from Father the next thing of Holy Spirit.  But I just could not move off from what He’s already been teaching from the very inception of the gospel.  I have been set in wonder of Father, of Jesus, of Holy Spirit, at the weightiness of the get-go beginning of the gospel, the resolute, single eyed, focused, determined resolve of God towards the destruction, the complete utter dissemination, of the works of the devil.

I believe Father wants us to see this of Him, because it is something He wants set in us as sons and daughters of Him through Christ Jesus our Savior, our LORD/Lord.  The entire gospel literally has its full DNA, as it were, manifested at its very inception at the Jordan River.  The entire New Testament rests on the foundation of all that takes place with Jesus at His baptism here, in BOTH water AND Holy Spirit.  I never saw the weightiness of this until writing this series, though something in my heart has tugged back to Mark 1’s first 9 verses for years.

Father began to unveil, through digging into this one word’s root definition in the Greek, that which He is after us to see, concerning the very description of Holy Spirit, God our Father’s own very nature.  The force of His Word, now in flesh, was going to be seen through Holy Spirit baptism(Apart from this single braided cord, we literally miss the power of God’s Word, the exact image of His character).

The Greek word, proclaimed loudly into the ears of those having been, by John, baptized in water, is “ischuroterosἰσχυρότερός.  In its root noun, “ischusἰσχύς, it is derived from a compound of two words: “is” – “ἰς” – (sounds like “iss”, not “iz”) – meaning, “force”, and the verb, “echo” – “ἔχω meaning, “to have”.  Together this compound word means, “to have FORCE”.  From Biblehub.com: it is “force to observing immediate resistance.”   “ischus is “engaging, combative strength”.”

It is in this word’s verb form that the definition brings out this part of Holy Spirit, which we see manifest through Jesus.  It is a non-arrogant confidence in His Father, God, in Whose Spirit Jesus is by faith so consciously aware that He is clothed, which unveils this confrontative boldness in the face of darkness – with intent to dispossess – in order to take over, towards setting up Kingdom dominion.

I believe this is going to shock some of us in the body of Christ to realize and let sink into our hearts that this is actually very much of the Person of Holy Spirit.

The verb form of “ischusἰσχύς” is “ischuo – ἰσχύω.  Again, from Biblehub.com;

properly, embodied strength that gets into the fray(action), i.e. engaging the resistance.  For the believer, (isxýō) refers to the Lord strengthening them with combative, confrontive force to achieve all He gives faith for. That is, facing necessary resistance that brings what the Lord defines is success (His victory, cf. 1 Jn 5:4).  Accordingly, faith (pístis) and  (isxýō) are directly connected“.                                        (bold underline – mine)

I believe Father God is after us learning this of His Spirit that is in us Holy and wholly Love.  The combative, “gets into the fray” force of Holy Spirit enduement, of God’s Spirit in us and on us, is solidly rooted and foundationed in the confidence of His Holy nature that is wholly Love and Light.

In doing the research and seeking Father during this writing, I am almost brought to tears, because this very word links the force of the blood of Jesus, in the book of Hebrews (for which link I was not looking) to the force, the combative strength, of Holy Spirit that He is unveiling to us.  It literally ties the power of the witness on earth of the Spirit and the blood to what Baptism in water signifies.  It is literally the force of the Trinity on earth; the Spirit and the water and the blood (1John 5:6-10a).

“for a testament [a covenant] is of force (lit –is sure, stable, solid, affirmed, unshakeable”) where there hath been death: for it doth never avail (lit – “it is not of force) while he that made it liveth.”                                                                                                                                                                              Hebrews 9:17 (ASV)

“how much more the blood of Christ, Who through a Spirit eternal Himself did-He-offer without-blemish to God, will cleanse the conscience of-you from dead works to serve the living God;”                                                                                                                                                               Hebrews 9:14 (lit. frm Grk text)

   The force of the New Covenant has its unshakeable, sure-foundation through the sacrificed blood of Jesus and His Spirit that keeps cleansing our conscience, removing, because of His death on the cross, any possible “right” the devil by deception would try to hold over us (Rom. 6:3-7, 9, 12; Gal. 2:20).  This covenant cut in Jesus’s blood, Beloved, by which we have been forgiven, cleansed, released from slavery to sin, and gracing us with Peace towards God without even a trace blemish of sin or condemnation in the face of Holy God, IS the force of Holy Spirit given to us, as both our armor AND our weaponry against the schemes of the devil (Gal. 3:27; Eph. 6:10-18 – esp. v18a), so as to see advanced in this life the glory of Jesus, in us and then through us, the glory of His sufferings, so as to see realized the booty, because of the finished work of His cross, in lives set free AND transformed into the His, the Last Adam’s, image (Is.  53:12; Is. 49:23b-25; Mat. 12:28-29).

“He will divide the booty with the strong; Because He poured out Himself to death, And was numbered with the transgressors; ”                                                                                                                                         Isaiah 53:12 (NASB)

This conquering force of God our Father’s Holy Spirit, the very  victory of the cross, which had its manifested starting point in Jesus’s Jordan baptism, is this revelation of truth of which satan is absolutely afraid that we will take hold; it is a graced understanding of which he has worked incessantly hard, either to get us back into works of Law (Gal. 3:1-5) so as to nullify the force of Grace that is in Christ (Gal.  5:4), or to blind us in order that we not see and believe the revelation as a truth within the fiber of our born again nature, lest we let be manifest through us the glory and the glory advancement of what Jesus’s blood was spilled to grace-gift us.  (II Cor. 4:4)

There is an uncanny, COMPLETELY unfearful boldness of Holy Spirit in the face of satan and every manifestation, deception, or lie from his nature and kingdom.  In the gospels we see this upon Jesus – a fully, wholly rested confidence of Holy Spirit, His Father’s Spirit, in Him and He in Holy Spirit – in the face of darkness which has no power against Light (I. e.  Mat. 17:14-18; Mk. 1:21-27; Lk. 8:26-36).

That pure, unfeigned boldness of Holy Spirit is literally His witness of Jesus to that death to sin, the world, & the devil – which took place in truth at His baptism into the Jordan.  For it is the witness of Father God’s judgment of sin completed, all the way back to Adam … and accordingly His witness of a completely stripped devil, a shattered authority of the rule & kingdom of darkness – which would be fully fulfilled in Jesus’s last breath in His willing sacrifice to Golgatha’s cross.

I believe Father God saw THIS, the finished work of the cross of His Son, the moment Jesus, by the Grace of God (“John” the baptist), caused Him to taste death for everyone when He stepped into the Jordan River and let John baptize Him (Heb. 2:9-15).  The open heaven that occurs immediately as He is coming up from baptism, the sound of Father God’s Words descending as a dove & staying, confirms this “finished work” that He saw, which was still three years down the road.

All of this is the boldness of Holy Spirit baptism, Precious One.  This is why we see, in the scriptures, the word “Dunamis/Power” with Holy Spirit baptism.  That “Dunamis” power is literally “Almighty God’s ability” grace-gifted to us as the robe of His Authority – through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  Read Paul’s Ephesian’s 1:18-21 prayer, meditating for a while specifically on verses 19-21.  The enforcement of this authority marches forward through the decree from Jesus’s lips from the cross, TETELSTAI“It is finished!”

This is the completely unfearful boldness of Holy Spirit.  This is why He lands AND STAYS upon Jesus.  This was literally the prophetic confirmation of that “TETELSTAI” from the cross that was three years down the road.  This, Beloved, is why Holy Spirit lands and stays on us (Jhn.  14:16; Heb. 13:5b).

“For He did NOT give to us, God, a spirit of dread, rather (a Spirit) of-power and of-love and of-sound/wise discretion.                                                       II Timothy 1:7 (Lit. frm Grk text)

There is a revelation for us, Beloved, which is Father’s Grace-gift to us of this entire truth of Holy Spirit baptism, what is Father’s robing us into this nature of Holy Spirit, as Believers born again and baptized – into Water and Holy Spirit.  It is a truth we must wear, individually, in our daily believing, and thus consequently as the Body of Christ on earth.

“For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. ”                                                                                                                               Galatians3:27 (NASB)

It is time for the Bride of Christ to quit fighting from a non-confident/non-rested standing, an already won battle.  It is a graced Kairos season to let our souls and spirit get really rooted and grounded in God our Father’s perfect love for us, personally, a “perfect love” revelation of truth which has everything to do with the sacrifice of Jesus to the cross (Rom. 5:5-6; I Jhn.  4:9, 17-19).

We must let Holy Spirit inside of us be the truth through the Word to solidify in us what really is our New Creation in Christ identity, the value that God the Father has of each of us, indeed, has placed upon every single one of us by reason of the shed blood of His own Son.  I believe that it is imperative that we let Holy Spirit firmly root us and ground us in this truth, into the fiber of our very nature, letting Him unveil the full truth scripturally Holy Spirit baptism.

Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth.  Jesus made it very clear, Dear Ones, that  if we ask Father for Holy Spirit, He will not give to us a snake (Luke 11:11-13).  The lie perpetrated by too many unbelieving teachers that present day Holy Spirit baptism, any manifestation of  I Corinthians 12 gracings of Holy Spirit because of Holy Spirit baptism, exactly as it was for the entire early church, is today “demonic” must come to an end, because it mocks our very Savior’s own words.  This has been nothing but a fear tactic of the devil himself, because he is afraid of the force of Holy Spirit and the voice of the Blood of Jesus through Spirit baptized believers.

Father is requesting us, Beloved, to step into this victory, to let Lord Jesus, our Savior, Himself, put this Royal robe on us, and then to live out of this victory of the cost of this grace-gifted Authority …  out of which will burst victorious frays, with and over the stripped kingdom of darkness.

And he was proclaiming, telling, “He is coming, the (One) Mightier than me, after me … I [indeed], baptized you in water, He, however, will baptize you in HOLY Spirit.” ”                                                                 Mark 1:7-8 (Lit. frm Grk Text)

You are so loved, Beloved

Mark Dingemans


** – Beloved, you are free to print this and any Kairos for your own study.  Take the time to go through these scriptures, and let the Holy Spirit write them and bear witness to them in your hearts and minds.  Let the Word of God and the Blood of Jesus and the witness of the Holy Spirit who lives inside of you wash through you and renew your mind.  These blogs are meant to be Bible studies, so you are free to print up any newsletter of this blog site for your own study.  Feel free to copy and reset these Newsletter with lines in them for notes.

If you have never believed into Jesus Christ, you can do so now, from your own heart and words.  If you wish help to pray, pray, “LORD Jesus, I believe You died for me and as me because You love me.  I receive Your Forgiveness for my sin.  Thank You for shedding Your blood to cleanse me, for making me clean, for breaking the power of sin in my life, for transforming me as a gift of Your Grace to me.  I ask You to live inside of me.  I thank You, Jesus, for giving me eternal life, that I might know You and Your Father, as my God, forever.  In Your Name, LORD Jesus.  Amen!”

For those of you who have believed into Jesus; take communion often (I Cor. 11:23-26; Lk. 24:30-31a).  Let communion be a refreshing of the Blood and the Spirit (Heb. 9:14) to cleanse your conscious from sin consciousness to righteousness consciousness, that you are indeed clean, as a gift of His grace.  You are no more, Dearly Beloved, under condemnation; rather, you are under justification – eternally! (Rom. 4:25b, 5:21;b; Heb. 9:11-12).  You will find the Holy Spirit of Jesus unveiling Jesus to you from the scriptures like you’ve never seen Him before.


kairos – (Kahee-ros’) – Strong’s concordance defines this word: “an occasion, I.e. set or proper  time.”  The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible (NASB) defines this word; “season, time, but not merely as a succession of moments, which is chronos,” [from which we derive the English word ‘chronology’].  “Kairos, however, implies not the convenience of the season, but the necessity of the task at hand, whether the time provides a good, convenient opportunity or not.”  This must be understood.  Strategic times of the Lord do not necessarily imply good or convenient times.  We are in Kairos times.  Maybe not good or convenient times, but definitely strategic, opportune times because of the season we are in.  We must have “ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches,” (Rev. 2:29), so as to respond correctly to the Kairos time.

* Some Scripture for this letter is taken from the (NASB) – NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE, (c) 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, by The  Lockman Foundation.  Used by permission.  Other references translated from Grk. Txt as presented in T. Newberry’s Englishman’s Greek New Testament, Zondervan Publishing – 1982- originally published in London, Eng. 1877                                                                                                                                                 Scripture references not showing a Translation in Brackets are this writer’s translation from the Hebrew Massoretic Text as it appears on the web-site “qbible.com”, our from the Greek text of Thomas Newberry’s “Englishman’s Greek New Testament”.  Some definitions given to Hebrew words are also referenced from qbible.com website, as well as from Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament, Baker Book House Company, (C) 1979

Several Translations and study guides to which this author refers are taken from biblehub.com website.