Category Archives: Unveiling Jesus from the Book of Joshua

Unveiling His Name – Part 5- Seeing N.T. verses Unveiled in the Revelation of His Name – LORD Jesus

Part 5

Seeing New Testament verses  Unveiled in the Revelation of His Name – LORD Jesus
             “Go, therefore and make disciples of all the nations,                  baptizing them into the NAME
                  of-the Father and of-the Son and of-the Holy-Spirit;”                                                                                                                           Matthew 28:19b   (NASB

                                             excpt  “into” which shows literal Grk word used.)

“Paul, a called apostle, through God’s_will
and Sosthenes (means “safe-strength)
to the church of God …
having-have-been-made-holy in Christ Jesus,
called “Holy-ones”,
together-with all the(-ones) {making-themselves-to-} calling-upon
the Name
LORD Jesus Christ
in every place…”
                                                                                                            I Corinthians 1:1-2
                                                                                 (Frm. Grk. txt in Grk wrd. order)
                          (The Grk. txt shows the “middle”voice of the verb tense,
                                               usually not ever translated in English versions)

   The unveiling of Jesus’ name reveals the entire Person of the God-head – the Elohiym of creation, the YHVH-shua of our salvation – as the complete involvement of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in all that the finished work of the cross bought for us.  The unveiling of Jesus post-cross reveals the glory given to us as an inheritance for simply believing into Him, demonstrating and teaching us the heart of the Father – our Almighty God – by the Holy Spirit inside of us who is showing to us who is this Grace-and-Truth Person, and thereby causing us to be changed by this grace-glory revelation into the same image, from glory to glory.  It is not so much a revelation of three Individuals, rather a revelation of the Singleness, of the Oneness (the unity), of the NAME, the PERSON – of the “Father and Son and Holy Spirit.”  Yes, the individual working of each can be seen, yet They are so One in who They are, and accordingly in all that They do to bring about the totality of all that our salvation means.

“And I,  the glory which You-have-given to-Me,  have-given to-them, in-order-that they-may-be one according-as we one are.”                                                                                                                                                                 John 17:22  (Lit. frm Grk. txt in Grk wrd order / bold “I” frm wrd.order emphasis)

   The Holy Spirit living inside of those who have believed into Jesus is the Father and the Son living in us.

    “Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep (lit. denotes “guard from loss”) My word;  and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.” ”                                                                                                                                                  John 14:23 (NASB)
   “… God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba!  Father?”   Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.”                                                                                                                                                                                          Galatians 4:6b-7 (NASB)

  The Spirit of God’s Son is the Spirit of the Father (Mat. 10:20b et al).  You were not baptized into three different names, but into One Name.  “Jesus” is that Name by which all that our salvation means, not just in our initial being born-again, but all that salvation means in this life and for this life throughout our life, in the dis-covering, in the unveiling, of all that is this Grace-Truth Savior/LORD – this Name, this Personrevealed in post-cross glory as Christ Jesus our LORD!  The revelation of so Great a God, so awesome a heavenly Father, even so mighty the indwelling Holy Spirit, so amazing a Savior – all in the NAME! … not “the name of the Father and the name of the Son and the name of the Holy Spirit”, but correctly “the NAME of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” – revealed/unveiled in one single Name  …  Jesus!

  Beloved, in the ongoing uncovering of this Name to each single one of you, personally, will be the comprehension of this Name etched, even woven, into who you are, thus showing you, thus making known to you, what is your real, your true, your royal identity in Christ.  Moreover, in this ongoing uncovering of this Name to each single one of you, personally, will be the removal of the distance, in your thinking, of “Lord”, to the closeness/ripped-veil relationship of “LORD”.  You will find your “believing”, your true and real “faith”, being properly set as one who is, and thus accordingly walks as, a son/a daughter, of the King of all the universe, one who knows his/her kingly authority in this son/daughter relationship; and you will walk in this life using that kingly authority, that correct believing, to give away the riches of this grace to a lost world, exactly as did our LORD Jesus among the sinners with whom He ate and drank with no aire of false spirituality in the way as were the Pharisees to the sinners of the world in their day.

   You will also likewise find yourself, in this son/daughter relationship with Almighty God, your heavenly Father, walking in an authority where the kingdom of darkness is being taken over forcibly because of the revelation and resultant life flow of the Greater One who lives in you.  In this ripped-veil access, Beloved, in the discovery of the glory of the revelation of God as “Abba, Father” [and then out of that, realizing your Abba Father as “God, (Almighty God)”], will be Esther 5:1-2 access/revelation that your LORD is  …  your Lord!  (I know I just threw some of you on this).  Your YHVH-shua, your LORD-Jesus, in this royal throne-room access, will bring about a revelation, first to you, and then shockingly in the face of  demonic forces and the world, that this King Jesus, to whom you are His redeemed-by-His-blood Bride, is a strong, forceful, Lord-of-lords Ruler, and that such “Adone” authority, [even a revelation AND gifting of ‘before-uncomprehended, unprecedented’ exousia-dunamis-Grace; that is, an authoritative-powerful, King of kings and Lord of lords Grace such as the Bride of Christ has not seen or heard or comprehended] will be granted you in the face of Haman forces, and then through you, to bring down such strongholds in this world.  I’m not going to say any more … I believe you need to search this out in the pages of the scriptures, and let it become a powerful grace-truth reality for you; for in it will you come to know (gnosko to epignosko) the force of the finished work of the cross against the demonic powers and principalities of this age. (This has literally been revelation coming to me by the Holy Spirit as I have been writing… I’m overwhelmed in this at the Holy Spirit)


  Having thus seen what “LORD” means in relation to Jesus our Savior, I want to show you several verses we’ve heard most of our life one way to unveil what they mean in light of this aspect of “YHVH – the Hand of Grace Nailed in Grace.”  I will write out the verses as we see and tend to hear it, directly from the English translation, then I will put it in its context, and in this show you what it says from the Greek text.  (I am not at all putting down the English translations; it is that often times we hear a pure verse not necessarily in the context out of which the nugget of life is being spoken, rather we tend to hear it through the filter of what we have heard from the past from how someone else has heard and so preached or taught.)

“that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord,                                                   and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead,                                  you will be saved;”                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Romans 10:9 (NASB)

  Some translations have written the word “is” for “as” … “if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord”.  The KJV actually has this verse written correctly.  However, I want you to see this in the light of “LORD”, not “Lord”; because often this verse is used as needing to confess “Jesus as/is Lord,” and this is not so much the Spirit of what Paul is writing;  for he is not proclaiming that you need to believe and see Jesus is this Lord Ruler, as it were, though He is indeed Lord of lord.   Look at the context, Beloved:

“But the ‘out-of faith’ righteousness thus talks, …                                                         “Near you, the (living/flowing)- word (‘rhema’ in Grk.) is,                                             in the mouth of-you and in the heart of-you.”
That is the word
(‘rhema’), the (one) of-faith, which we-proclaim;                       because if you-might-confess, in the mouth of-you, “LORD Jesus,”  and might-believe, in the heart of-you, that God Him(LORD Jesus) raised from-out-of (the)dead, you-will-be-saved.”                                                                                                                                                                                Romans 10:6a, 8-9  10                                                                   (Lit. frm Grk. txt in Grk word order)

    As to our salvation – both the moment we believe into Jesus, and then also our life afterwards – there is no distinction, I believe, by the Father, by the Holy Spirit, in Christ Jesus being, as one living entity, if you will, Savior and then LORD.   In other words, it is not, before the Holy Spirit, thus, “You have made Jesus your Savior, now you need to make Him your Lord.”  Rather, by what is seen from the Greek Text above, and what we have learned from out of the Hebrew of “LORD”, referring to “YHVH-the hand of Grace nailed in grace”,  in seeing that our present day YeHoshua is our YHVH-is-salvation/Liberty, in this we see that “LORD” and “Savior” are innately ONE and the same.

    I have to testify here of my own heart and also what I have seen in the eyes and hearts of those with whom I have shared Jesus in this revelation of unveiling Him in His resurrection glory, that the more one is captured, is captivated, by the revelation of this Love of our Savior, the more Jesus keeps being unveiled in what all means, “The Finished Work of the Cross”, the more I keep hearing what the sacrifice of Jesus means for me in revealing, literally revealing, the face of my Heavenly Father – the heart of this God who has come to be to me my Abba – the more in love with Him I become.  And the more in love with Him I come to have, the more I find that He is to me “LORD Jesus, my Savior.”  I don’t “try” to “make” Him Lord.  He already is.  I have no problem, no “effort”, even, in saying with my mouth, “LORD Jesus”.  I did not make Him “Lord”, Beloved.  He came to be to me my LORD in this unveiling paradigm shift that I’ve been going through over the last few years.  And in this I am beginning to learn what truly means His “Lord”ship.  What you will see, in this continued unveiling, this ongoing revelation by the Holy Spirit from the scriptures of all that “LORD Jesus” is to us in the revelation of the finished work of the cross, is consequentially what “Lord Jesus” means to us and for us: Even as Esther did – first in intimacy, and then in the throne room – find out what was overwhelming grace in her being chosen from out of the childhood of a people in slavery to becoming wife to the man who was also King of the then largest empire on earth.  In her position as this King’s wife did she learn what unmerited favor granted her as one who was a queen, a loved queen, in her LORD granting her as her Lord the ultimate kingdom justice against the most powerful wicked man in the empire, which “granted justice” affected every people group under the kingship/lordship of her husband’s empire (see Esther 8 – esp. the last vs – 17).

   Beloved, to properly learn what Jesus being “Lord” (Adonai) means, as one who is part of the Bride of Christ, you have to have unveiled to you the wealth of the grace of the glory of Him being your LORD Jesus, your YHVH-Yeshua.  Where you do not understand, not necessarily theologically, but in your spirit, in the spirit of your mind as that which sets your heart at Liberty in this salvation, who this King is as your “LORD/Savior”, you will misconstrue your relationship with Him, with God the Father, even with the Holy Spirit, in your trying to “make” Jesus “Lord” in your attempt to “obey” to be a good “Christian”.  That is, you will see Lord Jesus, whether admittedly or not, as a task master, and you will accordingly see ongoingly your own shortcomings in trying to measure up, even if it appears that you are “doing” all the right, the “Christian” things you are made to believe you are to do.  Additionally, what you “do” in your “obeying” will oftentimes not be birthed and thus not walked-out from a place of rest, from what the finished work of the cross has already accomplished for you.  Furthermore, you will also be one who is a finger-pointer at other fellow Believers, because it will appear to you that Jesus is not “Lord” in their life; hence, the grace you will not be recognizing that is there as an ongoing eternal supply to you will cause you to have an attitude of judgmentalism towards other believers, even towards people in general (… you will not see the lost properly through the eyes of grace/love, rather through the eyes of the Law.  Here is a test just for yourself, Beloved: please do not read this as condemnation, this is not at all my heart.  If you are little moved for the lost among you, where you live, and even those whom you see on the News on your T.V. screens, for their salvation from a genuine heart of love, it may be that you see Jesus in all honesty from the distance relationship as a task-master “Lord”, instead of the sacrificial LORD who gave up heaven to become as you and I, and then went on to lower Himself further to let Himself be taken and crucified.  Your heavenly Father is not finger-pointing you in this, Dear One; He has no heart, no feeling of condemnation toward you, no words of “shame, shame for feeling this”.  Rather He would unveil to you and pour out overwhelmingly by His Spirit the revelation and the the manifestation of His personal great love for you, not for the sake of getting you to “do” what you’re supposed to “do as a Believer” but just because He unconditionally loves you – no strings attached.  If this is you, Beloved, ask Him right now to unveil to your heart the reality of this Love.)

   There is a correct place and season for learning what Jesus’ “Lord”-ship means; but it is imperative for the the church, the Bride of Christ purchased, who have been ransomed by the precious Blood of her Savior from out of slavery to sin & the kingdom of darkness, to learn that her Redeemer is first her LORD, that is, her Savior, her “hand of Grace Nailed in Grace YHVH-shua”.  

                                                           … Selah

   The other text that I have heard proclaimed, a number of times in a tone of “end-time judgment”

“that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,                                                           of those who are in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth,                              and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, …”                                                                                          Philippians 2:10-11a (NASB)

   It is without question that every knee, every single knee, of every man, woman, and child, of every angel and of every demon, will indeed bow to and likewise confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  But there is a glory understanding for believers, and likewise then, I believe, for the angels, where this passage, this action that is and oftentimes has already willingly taken place from a position of “awe” because of what salvation has meant, has accomplished, has wrought for mankind, in what this Man, Christ Jesus our LORD, sacrificed, that has absolutely nothing to do with the fear associated with end-time judgment.  Look again back up to the top of this particular blog, to the 2nd opening scripture verse, from I Corinthians 1:2, … Paul declared what was already taking place among the saints, among the ones made holy In Christ Jesus, that they were willingly making themselves to calling upon the Name  – LORD Jesus Christ.

  This passage of Philippians 2:10-11 is foundationed from these following  words:

“If there is any encouragement in Christ,                                                                         if there is any consolation of love,                                                                                     if there is any fellowship of the Spirit,                                                                                    make my joy complete by being of the same mind,                                                       maintaining the same love,                                                                                                  united in spirit,                                                                                                                           intent on one purpose.
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.
   Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant,  and being made in the likeness of men.
   And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death,  even death on (lit. “of”) a cross.”                                                                                                  Philippians 2:1-8 (NASB)

   The whole context, of bowing our knees to and so confessing this Jesus, comes out of the description by Paul of this One who utterly who laid down His Divine power, who gave up the ongoing praise of the myriads of angels around the throne, this One who took off His Heavenly Royal Robes and stepped off of the eternal throne on which He had always, in incomprehensible One-ness, sat with His Father, Almighty God, this eternal Son who let Himself become that micro-seed in a finite age inside of a young woman, a poor woman from a town not even found to this day on any ancient map of that very time, this One who gave up far more than I can describe or even fathom, to become like one of us in order to lay down His very life down here.  When this kind of Savior is presented before us, when this preciousness is set before us, and we see that then Almighty God so set Him far above into this exalted position, we are bowing and confessing willingly, from awe of our Savior LORD Jesus, unto the glory of our God!  There is no tone of judgment of any sort in Paul’s words.  There is no threat that everyone is going to bow their knee and confess Him as Lord whether they like it or not.  Yes, every knee will bow.  Yes, every tongue will confess … but it will mean a whole lot differently, voluminously farther more, to Believers and to angels.  So many already are doing so.  (Do you want to sneak peak what that day will look like?  Let me back up just for a moment first).

   The grace of our LORD Jesus by His Holy Spirit is poured out to believers who will hear these words in their spirit, in their heart, to willingly humble themselves in service, not firstly so much in what they do, per se, but in who they become, as Jesus, in the image of Jesus, whom they behold in these words by Paul, and accordingly then as fruit in their deeds.  So often we listen to the “commands” of the New Covenant in epistles without having first seen-and-heard the description of the LORD Jesus, often the remembrance of His sacrifice (the unveiled ark of the New Covenant) given in the introduction of those letters as that by which grace is imparted to do the following commands.

   Look at Philippians 2:10-11 again, seeing this time, however, both aspects of what “LORD / Lord” means, but seeing it in order, out of the revelation of how Paul presented Christ Jesus, which accordingly brings about the fullness/dual aspect of this name.  I will start this from v. 7 to bring this out.

“rather, Himself He-emptied,                                                                                                  a form of-a-bond-servant having-taken,                                                                           in likeness of-a-man having-{given-Himself-to-}become,                                          and by-schematic having-been-found, as a man,                                                           He-made-low Himself[He-humbled Himself],                                                                 having-{made-Himself-}come-to-be obedient as-far-as death,                               even_death of-a-cross [even_a-cross’s_death].
Wherefore[on-account-of-this] also God Him(Jesus)                                                highly-exalted/extolled-above[raised-to-supreme-majesty],                                 and made-{Himself-to-}favor/grant to-Him the Name,                                           the (one) above every name, in-order-that, at the Name of Jesus,                    every knee might-bow[might-bend],                                                                                   {of-the-ones-up-in-}heaven                                                                                                  and {of-the-ones-upon-the-}earth                                                                                    and {of-the-ones-} down-below-earth,                                                                 and every tongue might-{give-themselves-to-}confess                                               that  “LORD Jesus Christ” unto Father_God’s_glory!                                                                                                           Philippians 2:7-11   (Lit. frm Grk txt)                                         (bold glory is frm emphasis of Grk txt word order)

  Every being that can speak, of men & of angels, will see the revelation of this highest-exalted position granted to Christ Jesus, all because they will see that His LORDSHIP/Lordship was so granted because of the monstrosity of what means Jesus having emptied Himself to come to be into the likeness of man, then having so lowered Himself even more, as a willing bond-servant (a slave) towards letting Himself, by obedience to His Heavenly Father, be put to the death of what Roman crucifixion was in all of its brutality, as well as in what this meant as a judgment for Adam’s sin, thus a judgment did He consume for the sin’s of every single seed of Adam … you and I, Beloved, and every name that is named, that has been named, that will be named, from of every man, woman, and child in the life of this planet.  It is in this revelation that such glory goes back to Father God, because of what He planned and thus gave up as a sacrifice to redeem you and I, that will span eternity.  At such view, Beloved, is our willing bow of our knees both, and our ever growing, ever increasing exaltation out of our mouths, our unstoppable confession,  to our Savior, that He is indeed LORD Jesus Christ”!

So then, here is that “sneak peak”.

  “and one of the elders said to me,                                                                                            “Stop weeping:                                                                                                                   behold, the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah,                                  the Root of David,                                                                            has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals.”
   And I saw between the throne (with the four living creatures) and the elders a Lamb standing, as if slain, having seven horns and seven eyes,    which are the seven Spirits of God, sent out into all the earth.                                  And He came and took it out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne.  And when He had taken the book,  the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, having each one a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.
And they sang a new song, saying,

  “Worthy art Thou to take the book, and to break its seals;  a           for Thou wast slain,                                                                                 and didst purchase for God with Thy blood                                        men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.      And Thou hast made them to be a kingdom                                            and priests to our God;                                                                              and they will reign upon the earth.”

And I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne              and the living creatures and the elders;                                                                               and the number of them was myriads of myriads,                                                             and thousands and thousands, saying with a loud voice,                                “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain                                                             to receive power and riches and wisdom and might                          and honor and glory and blessing.”                                      

And every created thing which is in heaven and on the earth                             and under the earth and on the sea, and all things in them,                                      I heard saying,         a                                                                                                                        “To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb,                                   be blessing and honor and glory and dominion                                       forever and ever.”                      

And the four living creatures kept saying, “AMEN.”                                        And the elders fell down and worshiped.”                                                                                                                                           Revelation 5:5-14 (NASB)

                                                … Selah …

You are so loved, Beloved.                                                                                                           Mark Dingemans

Part 6 is coming, Beloved – “The Revelation of His Name upon His People … in the Eyes of the Lost.  This will lead into Unveiling the impartation of His Name upon certain individuals within the Old Testament.  There is a revelation in this that will bring about such a blessing of comprehension, of understanding the grace of God that brings about His ability, His Working in them in order for these to fulfill eternal destinies in this life and consequentially a flow of blessing beyond their days towards us.
kairos – (Kahee-ros’) – Strong’s concordance defines this word: “an occasion, I.e. set or proper  time.”  The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible (NASB) defines this word; “season, time, but not merely as a succession of moments, which is chronos,” [from which we derive the English word ‘chronology’].  “Kairos, however, implies not the convenience of the season, but the necessity of the task at hand, whether the time provides a good, convenient opportunity or not.”  This must be understood.  Strategic times of the Lord do not necessarily imply good or convenient times.  We are in Kairos times.  Maybe not good or convenient times, but definitely strategic, opportune times because of the season we are in.  We must have “ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches,” (Rev. 2:29), so as to respond correctly to the Kairos time.
* Some Scripture for this letter is taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE, (c) 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, by The  Lockman Foundation.  Used by permission.  Other references translated from Grk. Txt as presented in T. Newberry’s Englishman’s Greek New Testament, Zondervan Publishing – 1982- originally published in London, Eng. 1877