Category Archives: Hearing God

The Life of the Gospel is In the Blood!

                                But You Have Come To                                                                                   … Jesus, …                                                                   To The Sprinkled Blood That Speaks                  BETTER THINGS !


One of the most powerful chapters in the Scriptures is Isaiah 53,  Isaiah’s prophetic word concerning the very sufferings of Jesus for our salvation.  If you turn back one chapter, Isaiah actually starts there, from v 7, by prophesying the coming “gospel”, the “GOOD NEWS”.  Paul would quote from this verse in Romans 10:15.

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of good things!”                                                                                  (NASB)

How often have you read, Beloved, from Is.52:7 through to the end of ch 53 – WITHOUT STOPPING – and have taken into account that the good news of HAPPINESSthat “announces Salvation” (the Heb. word for “Salvation” rooted in the word, “Yeshuah”), leads all the way to unveiling the sufferings of our Salvation Savior, beginning to be described in the 2nd to last verse of ch. 52, “So His appearance was marred more than any man, And His form more than the sons of men”?   Do we not rather separate the context of v7 from the whole reading of the prophesied suffering & sacrifice of Jesus?  It is almost too difficult to link what actually IS one complete whole… The GOOD News of HAPPINESS towards us AS A RESULT of God’s offered Lamb – His ONLY Son – in a “marred more than any man” sacrifice.

It was actually the 2nd writing in this series of “The Blood That Speaks”, from Leviticus 17:11, that led to the Isaiah 52:7 verse, to realize the very GOOD News of gospel, the “GLAD TIDINGS”, are completely wrapped up in the very shed blood of Jesus.

“For the life of the FLESH is in the blood; and I have given it to you upon the altar (lit. the place of sacrifice”).”

                 “How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him                                                                      who BRINGS GOOD NEWS,                                                                  who announces peace and BRINGS GOOD NEWS of happiness.”

      The Hebrew root word for “flesh” – בָּשָׂר – “Bawsawr”, is rooted in the Hebrew verb for “Brings Good News”– בָּשַׂר – “Bawsar“, the word translated into Greek, in Rom.10:15, meaning “Gospel”!  Its Hebrew root means,  “To Be Fresh”, like the skin of a newborn baby.  The fresh, “good news of great joy for all the people” gospel, [as the angel proclaimed at Jesus’s birth (Lk.2:10)]  is in the BLOOD … that was shed on a cross less than  seven miles north from the place of His birth, then a few days later, just after His resurrection, was placed upon the Real Judgment seat (Jhn. 20:17; Heb. 9:11-12, 24), in heaven … to decree our judgement –MERCY!” … “JUSTIFIED! – to Grace-gift US a glad, joyful, open-heaven-access-to-Holy-God life here on earth for this life  …  never before available to any man, save the first man and woman …  before they ate from the wrong tree.

     Beloved, I do not believe we have but touched the surface of the force and completed work of Jesus’s poured out blood, which is actually supposed to bear fruit of “gladness” in and through our lives.  Why? – because we have been looking at our Savior, in all truth, as He was, before His cross, not after (see II Cor. 5:16b) … meaning, beholding our Savior while the Law was still in force, not after it had had every single jot and tittle requirement fulfilled and then nailed to a cross, never, ever, EVER, to have a voice again to those who died with Christ when they were born again and water baptized.  (Rom. 7:4; 8:3-4a; 6:3-4; Col. 2:14-15; I Tim. 1:9a).  

    Look again at this prayer from Paul, Dear One.  Don’t skim over it quickly because of familiarity.  Let these words sink into your heart for a moment, and then ask yourself in the presence of God if this prayer has been answered in manifest reality for you in this life.

       “I… do not cease … making mention of you in my prayers;  that the God of our LORD Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in His [true, detailed] knowledge, …     what is the SURPASSING GREATNESS OF HIS POWER TOWARDS US  who believe …

Don’t go on, Beloved.  Read it again, and pray this, Paul’s non-stop prayer for all the Believers in Ephesus, to God your Father, saying, “me”, where Paul prays, “you” and “US”.  Let the heart of the Father, from His very Spirit in you speak and set these above words into your heart.

in accordance with the WORKING OF THE STRENGTH OF HIS MIGHT which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places FAR ABOVE all rule and authority and power and dominion, …                                                                                               Ephesians 1:15-21 (NASB)

     I do not believe it is that we’ve refused the One speaking.  I think it is more because the revelation of the scriptures unveiling “the length & breadth & height & depth” of this love with this kind of intentional force, such powerful Dominion, such whole-hearted abandon-to-God faith-of-Jesus Himself to wholly, so completely redeem us back to the image of YHVH-God the Father in man, which Adam so recklessly abandonedthis Spirit of God’s Wisdom and Revelation to experientially KNOW the SURPASSING GREATNESS OF HIS POWER TOWARDS US has not been a real, living-flowing rhema Word, as though hearing from the very heart and lips of our Father God Himself this depth that He really does have for each single one of us!  I do not think we have even begun to see manifest but barely the tip of this resurrection life dominion.

      The Voice of Jesus’s sprinkled Blood, Beloved, of Jesus’s whole life, of the Eternal request He’d uttered from the cross  (“Father, FORGIVE THEM, they know not what they do”) as He hung nailed in a bloodied, beyond-recognition form, this Blood of Jesus Christ our Savior sprinkled, literally, in heaven on heaven’s Throne of Almighty God, has far, far more to decree unto us, rather, has not but in part been let to decree unto us than that to which we given our ears. 

How do we know this?

Jesus has been set on GOD’s Throne!  …  by GOD HIMSELF!  …  as KING of kings.  And He will sit rested, ruling, UNTIL GOD HIMSELF has placed EVERY SINGLE ENEMY under King Jesus’s feet! (Ps. 110:1; Lk. 20:41-43; Acts 2:31-36;Heb. 1:8-9, 13; 10:12-13; Rev. 11:15b) THAT THRONE, Beloved, upon which King Jesus, our Savior, sits enthroned, is the Mercy Seat upon which Jesus’s blood from Golgatha’s cross has been placed.  God is adamant, Dear One, His Face set like flint intent, to give the FULL glory and honor to Jesus, TO JESUS’S VERY LIFE BLOOD, to ALL that His blood has decreed, from the first moment those first drops hit the ground in Gethsemane to every word decreed by his blood FROM THAT KINGLY THRONE –from that Judgment Seatthat MERCY Seat!  Almighty God will see to it that Jesus’s voice from His blood, every word decreed from His Blood,    WILL   BE    ANSWERED!!!    …  will receive the full reward of that sacrifice that spilt all to redeem from every tribe & tongue & people & nation! GLAD TIDINGS TO ALL MANKIND!


… Selah …


That glory and honor bestowed, Dear Precious Saint, will be the revelation manifest, a this-life reality, in and through Jesus’s redeemed bride … Us!  It will be manifest so fully that His Bride won’t be able to stop  …  smiling  …  with a contagious joy and gladness, as she lives, literally lives this life, here, basking in her captured heart of His overwhelming LOVE!

Everything, I mean, EVERYTHING that Jesus’s sacrificed blood was poured out to grace-gift us will be so completely believed by us – not in “effort” to have faith/to try believe – rather a true heart-rest believing.  It will be a bold confidence rested in, resting upon, Jesus’s heartbeat of love and the eternal integrity of God, that He is, that He ALWAYS HAS BEEN, GOOD!  It will be then, in that “having-been grown-into” manifested confidence, that uncompromising believing, that all those enemies of King Jesus will be set under His feet … because they will be wholly under ours, His Bride, His very own Body!  Our hearts, our very heartbeat, will be so one with Him, so interwoven into His, that we will be rested ruling with Him from His throne through our lives here on earth, (Eph. 1:22-23; Rev. 5:10; Est. 8:1-2; 12-14; et al).

Oh Dear One, none of this is meant to find fault, not even a bit.  Rather it is the truth of God our Father’s great love for each one of you, personally, to unveil and pour into your believing heart and mind this Grace-truth of the “Better Things” that Jesus’s Blood speaks.   The exceeding abundantly beyond that we still haven’t let into our ears and into our eyes are the Delight of our Father to unveil to us, that we might live and walk all that is “His Kingdom, on earth as it is in Heaven,”  …  that we will take hold of this by faith, into faith, into faith  …  where our believing grows exponentially.  We will awe the work of Jesus’s blood in us as we watch His Holy Spirit inside of us change us effortlessly. The more our eyes are opened, our understanding supernaturally opened to see Jesus in His resurrection glory, the whole work of the finished work of His cross, from the scriptures (Luke 24:27-47), the more ease it will be to believe Him in greater steps than before, a faith that augments in that glory that never fades, causing us to bear fruit increasingly of His Gift of righteousness through our lives.  It will be then that you will Praise and Worship Jesus like you never have before because of watching the world around us coming to YOU to pick off that fruit to taste and see How Good God always has been, is, and forever will be, how Sweet the Gospel, how Cleansing the Blood of the One who was marred more than any man … just so as to win them to so Great a Love, …

to this Fresh GOOD NEWS of Happiness!

You have come to Jesus, Beloved, not as He was while He was on earth, but as He is, now, in Resurrection/Ascension/Throne-seated Glory, unrecognized after His resurrection as He had been, unrecognized according to the flesh.   You have come to Jesus as a clean, spotless, made-Holy and declared Holy by His Sprinkled-Speaking Blood, precious Child of His God and Father made your God and Father.  You have come to Jesus …  to actually sit with Him, with KING Jesus, on His Throne …  not under His feet, but by His side under His arms of Love … to Rule with Him … in the power of His Blood, in the might of His  Blood … in the dominion rule of the Voice of His Blood, … King Jesus, your Savior, your Love.

You are so greatly Loved, Beloved                                                                                    Mark Dingemans


** – Beloved, take the time to go through these scriptures, and let the Holy Spirit write them and bear witness to them in your hearts and minds.  Let the Word of God and the Blood of Jesus and the witness of the Holy Spirit who lives inside of you wash through you and renew your mind.  These blogs are meant to be Bible studies, so you are free to print up any newsletter of this blog site for your own study.  Feel free to copy and reset these Newsletter with lines in them for notes.

For those of you who have believed into Jesus; take communion often (I Cor. 11:23-26; Lk. 24:30-31a).  Let communion be a refreshing of the Blood and the Spirit (Heb. 9:14) to cleanse your conscious from sin consciousness to righteousness consciousness, that you are indeed clean, as a gift of His grace.  You are no more, Dearly Beloved, under condemnation; rather, you are under justification – eternally! (Rom. 4:25b, 5:21;b; Heb. 9:11-12).  You will find the Holy Spirit of Jesus unveiling Jesus to you from the scriptures like you’ve never seen Him before.

If you have never believed into Jesus Christ, you can do so now, from your own heart and words.  If you wish to help to pray, pray, “LORD Jesus, I believe You died for me and as me because You love me.  I receive Your Forgiveness for my sin.  Thank You for shedding Your blood to cleanse me, for making me clean, for breaking the power of sin in my life, for transforming me as a gift of Your Grace to me.  I ask You to live inside of me.  I thank You, Jesus, for giving me eternal life, that I might know You and Your Father, as my God, forever.  In Your Name, LORD Jesus.  Amen!”


kairos – (Kahee-ros’) – Strong’s concordance defines this word: “an occasion, I.e. set or proper  time.”  The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible (NASB) defines this word; “season, time, but not merely as a succession of moments, which is chronos,” [from which we derive the English word ‘chronology’].  “Kairos, however, implies not the convenience of the season, but the necessity of the task at hand, whether the time provides a good, convenient opportunity or not.”  This must be understood.  Strategic times of the Lord do not necessarily imply good or convenient times.  We are in Kairos times.  Maybe not good or convenient times, but definitely strategic, opportune times because of the season we are in.  We must have “ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches,” (Rev. 2:29), so as to respond correctly to the Kairos time.
* Some Scripture for this letter is taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE, (c) 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, by The  Lockman Foundation.  Used by permission.  Other references translated from Grk. Txt as presented in T. Newberry’s Englishman’s Greek New Testament, Zondervan Publishing – 1982- originally published in London, Eng. 1877                                                                                                                                                           Scripture references not showing a Translation in Brackets are this writer’s translation from the Hebrew Massoretic Text as it appears on the web-site “”.  Some definitions given to Hebrew words are also referenced from this website, as well as from Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament, Baker Book House Company, (C) 1979

Several Translations and study guides to which this author refers are taken from website

    REB – Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible – 1902