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Cutting Through Theological Hopelessness – Prophetic -› (Sword of Grace) Words

Blessings y’all.

Towards the end of July I picked up a book entitled, “The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind”, by Bill Johnson, and had barely read the forwards when the manifest Presence of Father God’s Spirit was suddenly very strong, and I began prophesying/writing what I was hearing.  This came to me slowly, yet meticulously, it seemed, over some forty minutes, though what you will read is not long.

  I submitted a written copy to dear friends who are House Church pastors of the the church family of which I am a part.  I did this in part because I didn’t know what else to do with this word; I believed it was for more than me, though I had absolutely no thought about putting it here.  I just didn’t know what to do with it, other than to submit it to these leaders.

  David Holland (House Church pastor) let me know that he & his wife had read it, and to go ahead and post it

–  (There are times written on the original copy, showing the time as I was writing; several are inserted below).  There are scripture references indicated throughout this word; some I wrote as the Word was coming to me, the rest immediately afterwards.  I wanted this Word backed up by scripture (they were coming to memory as I was reading thru this word right after), to make sure this wasn’t just my own “making up” anything of this Word.  (It’s part of my process when a word comes to me, because of how I asked Father to train me many years ago after being corrected publicly).

Beyond this initial word, I have added several succeeding words from Father which have come to me since.


So here we go:


“I want My authority on the earth through couples who love unconditionally and enjoy My Presence & Authority in that unconditional love – SO AS TO EXPRESS & SPREAD My Kingdom’s Life’s Abundant Life thru a life lived dead (Rom.6:5-11) to missing the mark of My Glory … & delighting to live in My Glory – My Son’s Resurrected “Living TO GOD Image” (1 Cor. 13/Phil. 2:1-8; (2 Cor. 3:18, 4:6-7a)):

– No selfishness lives here.

– No self promotion.

– Esteeming one another as MORE important.

– Valuing the life of EVERY individual on earth – through My Son’s shed blood’s value upon every soul.

I want to write My Gospel (Rom. 1:1) upon human hearts with My Finger (2 Cor. 3:2), with My Holy Spirit – [(frm Heb. 8 & 10) “I will put/write My Laws – upon their mind & upon their heart I will set them”].

When My people are consumed (Rooted & Grounded) in My Love (Eph. 3:17b), they will be Fullest to know Fully what it is for Christ to dwell in their heart by faith (Eph. 3:16-17a & 18)and they will walk in unprecedented power that hell cannot thwart nor stop.  It is in this love (rooted/ grounded) the bride walking / believing outright for all that Christ Jesus, her Bridegroom & King, died to give the world, that the world will know experientially My Love unconditional poured out upon them in My Son’s sacrifice to the cross (Jhn. 17:22-23 Rom. 5:6 & 8).

My people do not believe My Kingdom is for this life, but for after death.  I am looking for a people who will believe My word, & My Son’s purpose in sacrificing Himself to restore (Acts 3:20-21) all that Adam gave up, – outright – WITHOUT INHIBITION OR “BUTS”, for THIS life, till the last enemy thrown under HER (the bride – Living as ONE/ in her Lord & King Jesus in her) feet (1 Cor. 15:25-26) – not in fear of Haman’s threat, outside the Throne room, of his threat, rather on the throne with her Lord Who is exceedingly higher than haman -> the end time teaching in this present age has increased the fear & hopelessness of My Son’s bride, exalting haman’s threat above the rule of My Son Whom I set as King of kings & Lord of lords” – (Ps.2:4- 6; Is. 9:7).

(Jesus) “I will blot out this erroneous teaching from My Bride’s ears so that she has confidence to come in My Throne room for Kingdom Justice & Rule, at HER bidding (Esther 9:12).

I will hold accountable those who rob faith from my Bride’s heart (Num. 13:31-14:1; Num. 14:36-37).  I am raising up (Mordecai’s) & pouring out the spirit of Mordecai in this hour who will set Hope & Courage & Faith & Confidence (for the bride) to enter with boldness into the Throne room of Grace, to find grace & mercy in time of need (Esth. 4:8 & 14b ; Heb. 4:16; 10:22).  I want My bride in bold faith.  I want my bride in MY faith! (see Gal. 2:20 frm the original Grk txt).

I want My bride to want mind renewal TRANSFORMATION !!! (Rom. 12:1- 2) I want to put hope back into her heart (Rom. 15:13; Heb. 11:1).

I want her to love My Word more than she wants to hear from this world; I would wash her thoughts w/ the washing of the water of the Word, & refresh her believing with fresh manna every day from Heaven.  I would then reveal mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven to her; & her Delight in My voice would grow.” (Eph. 5:26-27; Jhn. 14:23;, 14:21; Eph. 3:3,4, 9-12).


(These next 2 statements; they came to me on separate following days in my time with Jesus in the morning.

7/27 – frm Mark 3:27  “I want satan’s house PLUNDERED  (Ref.  Is.  53:12a).

7/30  – “T.V. is keeping My people from praying.”

9/26 – (This came to me through suddenly being drawn to read John 8:44) – “I want My people’s hearing from out of Heaven only – unmixed from this age – they would hear things concerning earth, at a higher & clear level (John 8:23, 26, 28).


8/10/21 – 3:29am

“I want to give My people understanding that comes out of (ek) “the Life of God”, through a soft heart that wants My will over their own, who will pursue knowing Me, intentionally living dead to the this world, this age’s thinking, (Rom. 6:10-13), who will pursue Me for the supernatural Life of God’s resurrection power of Jesus from out of the dead (Eph. 1:18-20) that is His Life (dead to sin – (dead to) missing the mark of My glory [Rom/5:2b]  & living to Me as God and Father)  living in them, in you and through you – for then you will live by the Spirit – as the wind of John 3:8.”

“Too may of My people are living alienated from “the Life of God” on account of ignorance, because of having been captured by the life (glitz) of this age.  (Hosea 4:6a).  There is a settling for this life, because of the deceitfulness of riches & the fake promises of “good”, that is apart from [what is God] Me.  (Mk. 4:18-19).


“I want My people’s hearing crystal clear! (Rev. 22:1)

They are not hearing (for earth) what they’re supposed to be hearing, because they are enthralled with the glitz of the tree of the knowledge of good and of evil – with a promised/believed ‘wisdom’  (Gen. 3:6a) that is “earthly, natural, demonic” ” (see James 3:15-18).


A couple of the words in this word came to me in N.T. Greek, with the Greek’s understanding; these are written w/ their Greek definition explained in brackets.
(Thur. Nov. 4 – 6:18 – 6:40am)

“I want the FULL expression of My Son’s character & anointing in His body on earth. 

My people are not understanding the purpose of My glory on/in (Greek word “en”, which carries both intents) My Son in changing them (transforming them) from glory into augmenting glory (Rom. 8:29; 2 Cor. 3:16-18; 1 Jhn. 3:2-3); so transformation according to My will – My purpose & destiny image – is not taking place with speed (“spoudos” in the Greek, translated in N.T. as “diligence” [i.e. “Let us be DILIGENT” – spoudasomen – to enter His rest” – Heb. 4:11]) in My people.

There is a stewardship responsibility on church leadership to make ready a bride prepared, clothed in understanding & wisdom of My glory, My Son’s glory, which I put upon Him because He emptied Himself, having taken the form of a bond-servant in Love to Me (Phil. 2:5-9; Jhn. 14:31), towards My heart’s desire and will for ALL to be saved (Ez. 33:11; Jhn 3:16-17; 1 Tim. 2:3b-4; 2 Pet. 3:9; 1 Jhn 2:2).

My glory I gave to Him in all the fullness of the godhead bodily, because He FULLY carried out My will (Jhn. 5:30b; Heb. 10:5b,7,9; Jhn. 6:38; et al) in living dead to sin & alive to Me alone.

This emptying Himself, not regarding equality a thing to be grasped, is why, is where, the knowing (epignosko) of the fullness of the immeasurable, unsearchable wealth of My Spirit, & therefore My Power, was on Him for service to set My people free from sins’s clutch, from satan’s hand, from satan’s condemnation (Jhn. 3:34; Acts 10:38; 1 Jhn. 38; Eph. 3:8; Zech. 3).

When this stewardship of making known the wealth of My glory of Grace (Col. 2:1-3; Eph. 3:2-12 – esp. v2 & Rom. 1:5-11 – 2 Cor. 11:2) from out of My Son’s sacrifice – the purpose of My will in this sacrifice of Mine, which I gave as a gift of grace to Paul (Eph. 3:8-9) because he came after me to steward this Grace (I Cor. 15:10) through finding My heart for you – is taken hold of by My Son’s Groomsman in truth of their heart, (John 4:18a, Jhn. 3:27-29; 2 Cor. 11:2, Esther 2;3 & 8; Col. 1:28-29)  THEN will My ekklesia know, and will to know, My Will, to do My will, in giving themselves to empty themself for My Son’s glory transformation (John 7:16-18;Eph. 2:10; 2 Cor. 3:16-18; Phil. 2:12-13).